# Design

#### South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Design Proficiency

## Introduction 

Design is all around us and permeates every aspect of our lives. From waking up and deciding what to wear to making choices about our environment, purchases, and recreation, we interact with the work of designers. The design fields include, but are not limited to, Communication Design, Environmental Design, Experiential Design, and Object Design.  

Functionality and aesthetics are two concepts that determine how we use a design and what we see in a design. For example, the science of a bridge (function) must also be aesthetically pleasing for its environment. The design process guides students to experience this interface by proceeding through a sequence of steps to find solutions for a design challenge. These steps include the following: defining the design challenge, conducting research, brainstorming solutions, constructing a prototype, presenting a design solution to a sample target group, receiving feedback, reflecting on the feedback, and making improvements on the prototype.  

Students are guided through the design process to make creative and considerate decisions concerning the interaction of function and aesthetics toward constructing a well-crafted prototype. The process requires that students present their design solution/prototype, explain their thought processes, and receive feedback from stakeholders. This feedback allows students to analyze and reflect upon their work in order to make thoughtful revisions toward improvement.  

The design standards are organized in steps that parallel the design process. Students move through the standards, as shaped by the design process, by working independently and collaboratively with others in order to reach an aesthetically-effective and functional outcome.  

Students are immersed cognitively when involved in the design process. The use of skills such as communication, creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving are truly embodied in their work. Teaching through design reaches diverse learners who are able to approach design thinking from their own personal perspectives and abilities.  

These design standards are written to be applicable across all content areas. Traditionally considered under visual arts, problem solving through design thinking may be applied to their artistic work but, just as importantly, it also may be used for project work in other disciplines. Effective practices will be employed in all student work as a result of studying the South Carolina College and Career Ready Standards for Design Proficiency.  

## Design Standards 

## Artistic Processes: Creating- conceive and develop new design ideas and work.

### Anchor Standard 1: conceive and develop a design challenge.

| De.CR | Benchmark | Indicator |
NL.1 | recognize design questions. 
NM.1 | recognize how design questions are used to solve problems. 
NH.1 | answer design challenge questions.
IL.1 | work with a team to answer design challenge questions.
IM.1 | work with a team from a given list to identify and describe a design challenge to develop.
IH.1 | work with a team from a given list of design challenges and select one to describe.
AL.1 | work with a team to conceive many design challenge possibilities relating to a certain topic.
AM.1 | work with a team to conceive many design challenge possibilities.
AH.1 | work on my own to conceive many design challenge possibilities.
NL.1.1 | answer the design challenge questions who, what, and where, in order to define the design challenge. | answer “who” the design challenge impacts.
||| answer “what” the design challenge is for.
||| answer “where” the design challenge will be impacted.
NM.1.1 | answer the design challenge questions who, what, when, and where in order to define the design challenge. | answer “when” the design challenge will occur.
||| use design questions to recognize how to define a design challenge.
NH.1.1 | answer the design challenge questions who, what, when, where, why, and how in order to define the design challenge. | answer “why” the design challenge is needed.
||| answer “how” the design challenge will be implemented.
IL.1.1 | work with a team to answer the design challenge questions who, what, when, where, why, and how to define the design challenge. | communicate and listen to others when answering the design challenge questions.
||| record information from the group’s discussion.
IM.1.1 | work with a team to select a design challenge from a given list using criteria to answer the design challenge questions and define the challenge. | work with a team to choose a design challenge based on its importance to me and my community.
||| work with a team to choose a design challenge based on the need for improvement to how it looks and how it works.
IH.1.1 | work in a team to discuss design challenges from a given list and select one to define from answers to the design challenge questions. | work with a team to compare and contrast the design challenge options and select one based on their importance to me and my community.
||| work with a team to compare and contrast the design challenge options and select one based on their need for improvement to how it looks and how it works.
AL.1.1 | work with a team using design thinking strategies to list several design challenge options about a topic and select one to define. | work with a team to brainstorm by randomly calling out ideas.
||| work with a team to brainstorm by creating questions rather than ideas to inspire further thinking.
||| work with a team to use visual diagrams to organize information and ideas.
AM.1.1 | work with a team using design thinking strategies to list many design challenge possibilities and prioritize to select one to define. | work with a team using a variety of the following: list aloud, popcorn brainstorming, questioning brainstorming, webbing, mind mapping to provide many possible design challenges.
||| work with a team to compare and contrast the design challenge options and select one to define.
AH.1.1 | use design thinking strategies to list many design challenge possibilities and prioritize to select one to define. | use a variety of the following: list aloud, popcorn brainstorming, questioning brainstorming, webbing, mind mapping to provide many possible design challenges.
||| compare and contrast the design challenge options and select one to define.

### Anchor Standard 2: research to explore and identify aspects of the design challenge.

| De.CR | Benchmark | Indicator |
NL.2 | recognize research methods.
NM.2 | recognize how research is used to solve a design problem.
NH.2 | apply research methods.
IL.2 | work with a team to research aspects of the design challenge.
IM.2 | work with a team to research and describe aspects of the design challenge.
IH.2 | work with a team to explain why researched aspects of the design challenge are needed.
AL.2 | work with a team to analyze the aspects of the design challenge.
AM.2 | work independently or with a team to evaluate the parts of the design challenge.
AH.2 | lead a discussion to evaluate the parts of the design challenge.
NL.2.1 | use a research method to investigate the design challenge. | observe (using the five senses) the existing designs.
||| observe an object in use.
||| see and feel the parts of a design object.
NM.2.1 | use research methods to investigate the design challenge. | use more than one of the following: observation, printed materials, technology, and/or interviewing.
||| use printed materials to learn about an object.
||| interview others for research information.
NH.2.1 | use a variety of methods to investigate the design challenge. | use a variety of the following research methods: observation, printed materials, technology, and/or interviewing.
||| observe, sketch, or record (photography, video) an object to show what I’ve learned about the design object.
||| interview individuals with experience with an object to determine possible aspects to redesign.
IL.2.1 | work with a team to identify necessary information for the design challenge. | identify with a team what information is necessary about the existing design.
||| work with others to select the best research methods to gather necessary information.
||| work with others to create a survey and/or use technology to learn about a design.
IM.2.1 | communicate my research to the team. | use visuals, technology, demonstrations, and/or descriptions, to report the research.
||| discuss the research with others.
||| use printed materials to present necessary information.
||| demonstrate the existing function of a design.
IH.2.1 | work with a team to prioritize research from the individual team members. | list the research from the team members.
||| work with others to identify the most significant research.
AL.2.1 | examine my research and report the connections of that information with the team. | review with a team the research from multiple sources.
||| report the connections among the data to my team.
AM.2.1 | work with a team to determine the importance of the research from the team members. | work with others to determine the importance of the production and cost improvement needed.
||| work with others to determine the importance of the aesthetic improvement needed.
||| work with others to determine the importance functional improvement needed.
AH.2.1 | guide my team in determining the importance of the research from the team members. | present findings from research that supports the need for aesthetic, production, and/or functional improvements.
||| justify the need for a new design or redesign concept.

### Anchor Standard 3: select and create possible solutions to the design challenge.

| De.CR | Benchmark | Indicator |
NL.3 | recognize design thinking.
NM.3 | recognize how design thinking is used to solve a design problem.
NH.3 | apply design thinking strategies.
IL.3 | work with a team using design thinking strategies to generate ideas for design solutions to the challenge.
IM.3 | work with a team using design thinking strategies to generate some usable design solutions to the challenge.
IH.3 | work with a team using design thinking strategies to generate many usable design solutions to the challenge.
AL.3 | work with a team to analyze usable design solutions to the challenge.
AM.3 | work independently or with a team to evaluate the usable design solutions to the challenge.
AH.3 | lead a discussion to evaluate the usable design solutions to the challenge.
NL.3.1 | use a design thinking strategy to list possible design solutions to the challenge. | name possible solutions.
||| stay on topic to randomly call out ideas for possible design solutions.
NM.3.1 | use more than one design thinking strategy to list possible design solutions to the challenge. | use more than one of the following: list aloud, popcorn brainstorming, passing brainstorming to provide possible solutions.
||| create questions rather than ideas to inspire further thinking.
||| listen to others and participate in one conversation at a time to provide possible design solutions.
NH.3.1 | use a variety of design thinking strategies to list possible design solutions to the challenge. | determine which solutions can be used in the design challenge.
||| provide a visual or drawing to explain my idea.
||| organize my ideas using mind maps.
IL.3.1 | work with a team using a variety of design thinking strategies to list possible design solutions without judgement. | work with a team using a variety of the following: list aloud, popcorn brainstorming, passing brainstorming, questioning brainstorming, webbing, mind mapping to provide possible solutions.
||| build on the ideas of others in creating possible solutions.
||| work with a team to determine which solutions can be used in the design challenge.
IM.3.1 | work with a team to turn ideas into possible design solution concepts. | contribute my ideas concerning usable solutions.
||| respond to others’ ideas concerning usable solutions.
IH.3.1 | work with a team to determine which design solutions effectively meet the challenge criteria. | work with others to prioritize choices concerning effective solutions.
||| work with others to select possible solutions.
AL.3.1 | examine, discuss, and select possible design solutions to best address the challenge. | review and discuss connections among the possible solutions.
||| work with others to combine parts of design solution ideas to solve the design challenge.
AM.3.1 | work with a team to develop criteria to determine the value of the usable design solutions to the challenge. | work with others to list criteria such as time, cost, functionality, aesthetics, etc.
||| work with others to prioritize design solutions based on chosen criteria.
||| work with a team to reach a consensus concerning the most viable solutions to the design challenge.
AH.3.1 | guide my team in determining the value of the usable design solutions to the challenge. | lead a discussion to determine the criteria.
||| lead a discussion that reaches a consensus concerning the most viable solutions to the design challenge.
||| justify how the solutions effectively address the identified needs.

### Anchor Standard 4: create an original prototype.

| De.CR | Benchmark | Indicator |
NL.4 | recognize a prototype.
NM.4 | recognize how a prototype is used to solve a design challenge.
NH.4 | explore materials, techniques and processes to create a prototype.
IL.4 | work with a team to make a prototype that represents a solution to a design challenge.
IM.4 | work with a team to make multiple prototypes that represent various solutions to a design challenge.
IH.4 | work with a team to create a prototype to solve a design challenge.
AL.4 | work with a team to create a prototype that solves multiple aspects of a design challenge.
AM.4 | work with a team to create a prototype that solves all aspects of a design challenge functionally and aesthetically.
AH.4 | use sophisticated materials, techniques, and processes to create the most viable prototype.
NL.4.1 | explore using physical models, space models, interactions, and storytelling as prototypes. | role play to act out solutions to a design challenge.
||| explore space models with geometric forms in a given area.
||| use my words to tell about my design idea.
NM.4.1 | use strategies to create a two- dimensional drawing or a three-dimensional model of a design solution. | use clay or other materials to create a model of a new cup design.
||| draw a new logo design.
NH.4.1 | use basic materials and techniques to develop a model of my design ideas. | work with a team to explore and select the most appropriate materials to build/compose the prototype.
||| work with a team to explore and select the most appropriate techniques and processes to build/compose the prototype.
IL.4.1 | work with a team to make a prototype to experience the design challenge criteria. | work with others to create a prototype that allows a concept to be experienced.
||| create a simple prototype that is made quickly and inexpensively to experience feedback early and often.
IM.4.1 | work with a team to make prototypes to experience the design challenge criteria. | work with others to create multiple prototypes concerning one design challenge that allow a concept to be experienced.
||| work with a team to create multiple simple prototypes that are made quickly and inexpensively.
IH.4.1 | work with a team to make a prototype that addresses functional aspects and aesthetics. | work with a team to determine the functionality of the prototype.
||| work with a team to improve the functionality of the prototype to address many aspects.
||| make a prototype that uses the elements and/or principles of the arts disciplines.
AL.4.1 | work with a team to select materials, techniques, and processes to create a prototype. | work with a team to select the most appropriate materials to build/compose the prototype from those explored.
||| work with a team to select the most appropriate techniques and processes to build/compose the prototype from those explored.
AM.4.1 | work with a team to select and apply the best materials, techniques, and processes to create a prototype. | work with a team to apply the best materials to build/compose the prototype from those explored.
||| work with a team to apply the best techniques and processes to build/compose the prototype from those explored.
AH.4.1 | select and apply professional materials, techniques, and processes to create a prototype. | apply professional materials to build/compose the prototype.
||| apply professional techniques and processes to build/compose the prototype.

## Artistic Processes: Presenting- present new design ideas and work.

### Anchor Standard 5: present my final design solution.

| De.P | Benchmark | Indicator |
NL.5 | share my design with a small group.
NM.5 | identify how a design presentation is used to solve a design challenge.
NH.5 | present my design solution to a design challenge.
IL.5 | work with a team to present our design solution to a challenge.
IM.5 | work with a team to select an approach to present our design solution to a challenge.
IH.5 | work with a team to prepare and deliver a presentation that has defined criteria.
AL.5 | work with a team to prepare and deliver a presentation to a sample target group.
AM.5 | work with a team to develop a well-prepared, aesthetically pleasing presentation for a sample target group that includes community business leaders or professionals in the field.
AH.5 | develop a well-prepared, aesthetically pleasing presentation for a sample target group that includes professionals and business leaders in my community.
NL.5.1 | share my prototype and answer simple questions about the design solution. | show my prototype to my peers.
||| answer questions about the “what” of the design solution.
NM.5.1 | explain the design challenge and my design solution. | explain the “who, what, where” of the design challenge.
||| explain the “when, and how” of the design challenge.
NH.5.1 | present my design solution to the challenge using a visual. | draw my ideas to present my design challenge solution.
||| create a presentation board to help explain my design challenge solution.
IL.5.1 | work with a team to present our design solution to the challenge using one or more visuals. | work with a team to prepare one or more visuals such as photographs, drawings, diagrams, charts, and 3D examples to present our design solution.
||| work with a team to explain the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of the design challenge.
||| work with a team to explain the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of the design solution.
IM.5.1 | work with a team to select an approach using technology for the design solution presentation. | work with others to create a slideshow presentation.
||| work with others to create a webpage to present a design solution.
||| work with others to combine still photos and videos to present a design solution.
IH.5.1 | work with a team to create a presentation that includes specific criteria and delivers required information concerning the design challenge and design solution. | work in a team to prepare a presentation that includes specific criteria such as a title, infographics, text, graphics, and/or media.
||| work with a team to prepare a presentation that includes required information such as the goal, identified population, challenge statement, key aspects, data, and design solution.
AL.5.1 | work in a team to present our design solution to a group of possible users/consumers for feedback. | work in a team and ask questions of the target group so effectively get the feedback.
||| use methods such as surveys, questionnaires, prompts, and/or beta testing, with a team to attain feedback from the sample group.
AM.5.1 | work in a team to present our design solution to a sample target group that includes community business leaders and professionals in a related field for feedback. | work in a team and ask questions of the target group with professionals so effectively get the feedback.
||| use methods such as surveys, questionnaires, prompts, and/or beta testing, with a team to attain feedback from the sample group with business leaders in my community.
AH.5.1 | present our design solution to a sample target audience that includes professionals and business leaders in a related field for feedback. | ask questions of the target group with professionals so effectively get the feedback.
||| use methods such as surveys, questionnaires, prompts, and/or beta testing, to attain feedback from the sample group with professionals.

## Artistic Processes: Responding- respond to feedback from others on new design ideas and work.

### Anchor Standard 6: reflect and revise based on feedback and input.

| De.R | Benchmark | Indicator |
NL.6 | recognize how reflection is necessary in the design process.
NM.6 | recognize that revision is necessary in the design process.
NH.6 | encourage feedback to my design and the designs of others by asking and answering questions.
IL.6 | reflect on and provide feedback to a design solution.
IM.6 | interpret feedback from my peers to revise our design solution.
IH.6 | work with a team to analyze and explain the steps of the design solution revision.
AL.6 | work with a team to retest our revised design solution and analyze the results.
AM.6 | work with a team to explain future improvements and repeat the design process to revise and retest the design solution.
AH.6 | facilitate the repetition of the design process to revise and retest the design solution.
NL.6.1 | identify the strengths of my design and designs of others. | listen and respond to the opinions of others.
||| list the positive comments about my design.
NM.6.1 | identify areas of my design and the designs of others that need improvement. | work with others to list possible improvements to our solution.
||| list changes I would make to my design solution.
NH.6.1 | prepare some questions for feedback to help me revise my design. | ask what new materials could be used in a design solution.
||| ask simple questions about a design solution.
||| ask questions about who needs the design.
IL.6.1 | work with a team to record feedback and summarize design solution recommendations. | record feedback about our design in my journal.
||| explain some of the solutions presented as feedback to the group.
IM.6.1 | work with a team to list and prioritize feedback to improve our design solution. | record feedback about our design in my journal.
||| explain some of the solutions presented as feedback to the group.
IH.6.1 | work with a team to plan and develop the steps to improve our design solution. | work with others to review feedback to determine next steps in the revision process.
||| work with others to make changes to our prototype that improves our solution.
||| record my improvement ideas for a design solution.
AL.6.1 | work with a team to improve the functionality of our design solution and record the results of the modifications. | work with others to make improvements to the prototype’s functionality.
||| chart the progress of our revisions to help my team improve the functionality of the design.
AM.6.1 | work with a team to repeat the design process as necessary to improve the design solution. | retest my solution and revise as many times as necessary to achieve the most effective solution.
AH.6.1 | guide and frame questions to facilitate the design process to improve a design solution. | lead a class discussion on how to revise a design challenge.
||| form questions to lead the reflection process.

## Artistic Processes: Connecting- relate artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context.

### Anchor Standard 7: identify and examine design through history and world culture.

| De.C | Benchmark | Indicator |
NL.7 | recognize some examples of design found in my home and community.
NM.7 | recognize differences in designs found in my home and community.
NH.7 | describe differences in designs from various cultures throughout history.
IL.7 | identify improvements or changes in designs found in various cultures and time periods.
IM.7 | describe why improve-ments or changes were made in designs found in various cultures and time periods.
IH.7 | analyze a variety of design works from different cultures and time periods.
AL.7 | examine past design works to determine their influence on present designs.
AM.7 | work with a team to analyze the influence of past design works on present design challenges.
AH.7 | evaluate my design solution to determine the effective use of past design works.
NL.7.1 | find and name some designs (object environmental, communication, or experiential) around me. | find and name some design objects that I use every day.
||| find and name some environmental designs in my school and community.
||| recognize the use of communication design in newspapers, billboards, and commercials.
||| recognize the use of experiential design in play grounds, video games and amusement parks.
NM.7.1 | name some different design materials and methods of construction. | identify the methods used for communication design.
||| discuss the materials used in an environmental design.
||| describe how a design was made.
NH.7.1 | compare how designs are different in various cultures throughout history. | group designs that have similar styles, subject, or media.
||| identify common characteristics within a design from different styles, periods, and cultures.
IL.7.1 | compare design similarities and differences among different cultures and time periods. | write a description about characteristics of a specific design style, period, or culture.
||| compare changes in the designs of furniture from other cultures over time.
IM.7.1 | explain the possible reasons improvements and/or changes were made in a design through different cultures and time periods. | explain the possible reasons a chair design evolved through cultures and time periods.
||| explain the possible reasons a simple tool changed through cultures and time periods.
IH.7.1 | recognize patterns in design choices and make connections to the development of design through different cultures and time periods. | make connections between design choices on chairs from different cultures and time periods.
||| make connections between design choices on furniture from different cultures and time periods.
AL.7.1 | find and compare how choices from a current design reflect influences of past design solutions. | identify influences from previous designs in a current design solution.
||| explain how specific past designs are reflected in a current design.
AM.7.1 | work with a team to explain how the designer's choices on the current design challenge reflect influences of design solutions from the past. | work with others to identify influences from previous designs in a current design solution.
||| work with others to explain how specific past designs are reflected in a current design.
AH.7.1 | assess my design choices and relate them to past design influences. | defend my interpretations of how different styles, periods, and cultures have influenced my designs.
||| debate my choices made in my designs that are influenced by different styles, periods, and cultures.

### Anchor Standard 8: relate design ideas to other arts disciplines, content areas, and careers.

| De.C | Benchmark | Indicator |
NL.8 | explore design concepts among arts disciplines, other content areas, and related careers.
NM.8 | recognize design concepts among arts disciplines, other content areas, and related careers.
NH.8 | apply design concepts among arts disciplines, other content areas, and related careers.
IL.8 | explore a range of skills shared among arts disciplines, other content areas and how they can be applied in a design career.
IM.8 | recognize specific skills shared among arts disciplines, other content areas and how they can be applied in a design career.
IH.8 | analyze the tools, concepts, and materials used among arts disciplines, other content areas and how they are used in a design career.
AL.8 | apply concepts among arts disciplines and other content areas to design and analyze how my interests and skills will prepare me for a career.
AM.8 | explain how economic conditions, cultural values, and location influence design and the need for design related careers.
AH.8 | research societal, political, and cultural issues as they relate to other arts and content areas and apply to my role as a designer.
NL.8.1 | connect design with objects in my home and school. | name designed objects in my home and classroom.
||| talk about design choices found in my home and classroom.
||| draw examples of everyday designs.
NM.8.1 | recognize that design exists in all arts disciplines and other content areas. | identify ways design is used in my community.
||| draw designs used in my community.
NH.8.1 | use design concepts in other subjects in my school. | use the design process to solve problems in other subjects.
||| use design thinking to brainstorm multiple solutions in other subjects.
IL.8.1 | investigate a range of skills used in various design careers, arts disciplines, and content areas. | recognize skills that are specific to a career in design.
||| pick and write about my favorite design career.
||| match a design product to a design career.
IM.8.1 | name design skills used in various arts disciplines and content areas and relate these skills to a career in design. | research design careers.
||| list things that are designed by people with a specific career in design.
||| list specific skills needed for a design career.
IH.8.1 | investigate tools, concepts and materials used in other arts disciplines and content areas. | recognize skills that are specific to design careers that are attained in other arts disciplines and content areas.
||| discuss costs of using different materials to create the same design.
AL.8.1 | use concepts found in various arts disciplines and other content areas in a design work. | use the elements and/or principles of arts disciplines in a current design work.
||| use concepts found in dance in a current design work.
AM.8.1 | describe how economic conditions, cultural values, and geographic locations affect design and design careers. | discuss the relationships between the designer and other careers.
||| research processes of other careers to determine how design affects it.
||| justify community investment in design.
AH.8.1 | examine the importance of the work of a designer in issues that relate to a global society. | defend the impact of design careers within a society.
||| promote the intrinsic value of design to individuals and society
||| find an important design problem in another country and create a design solution to help.
NL.8.2 | recognize that people have careers in design. | recognize that musicians are designers.
||| recognize that buildings are designed by architects.
||| recognize that choreographers are designers.
NM.8.2 | identify design businesses and careers in my community. | identify businesses in my community that hire designers.
||| identify where and how designers impact my community.
||| locate design companies in my community.
NH.8.2 | identify ways design thinking is used in other careers or vocations. | identify how design thinking is used in business and industry.
||| identify design thinking skills that are used in education and service organizations.


## Design Glossary

**Aesthetics** Concerned with appearance or the appreciation of beauty.  

**Artistic Processes** The way the brain and the body make art and define the link between art making and the learner.  

**Aspects** A particular part or parts of the design challenge.  

**Assess** To estimate or evaluate the value of information researched.  

**Beta Testing** Using a prototype to receive feedback from a sample target group.  

**Brainstorm** A step in the problem solving process to producing an idea or several ideas. Ex. Popcorn Brainstorming, Passing Brainstorming, Questioning Brainstorming.  

**Communication Design** Design directed towards making connections between people. Ex. Graphic design, packaging design, web design, etc.  

**Craftsmanship** A degree or level of skill involved in creating a craft or work of art.  

**Define (a design challenge)** Answering the design challenge questions to provide a clear description of what the design challenge is.  

**Design** An outline, sketch, plan, model, or prototype of a solution to be developed or constructed that considers aesthetic decisions. See definitions of Object Design, Environmental Design, Communication Design, and Experiential Design.  

**Design Challenge** A design problem or a design issue defined as having the need to be altered, changed, or created in a particular way to solve.  

**Design Challenge Questions** Basic questions used to gather information concerning a design problem: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. The answers to these questions define the design challenge.  

**Design Problem** A specific design aspect or issue regarded as needing to be dealt with, overcome, or changed.  

**Design Process** A process designed to identify a specific design problem, research the problem, create a solution to the problem, and present the solution to the problem.  

**Design Solution** A means of solving a design problem. Design Thinking To use one's mind to apply the process of design.  

**Design Thinking** Strategies Methods or procedures used to brainstorm ideas or reason the process of design. Ex: Mind Maps, Concept Maps, Webbings, Electronic Brainstorms, etc.  

**Environmental Design** Design of surroundings or conditions in which a person, place, or thing interacts. Ex. Interior design, playground design, community planning, etc.  

**Experiential Design** Design based on personal interactivity or experiences; sometimes referred to as interactive design. Ex. Design parades, design festivals, design theme parks, etc.  

**Feedback** A reaction or response to a particular design problem or design solution.  

**Functional** Referring to a design having a special activity, purpose, or task.  

**Interactions** A person or a group of persons interacting with a prototype.Investigate To examine, research, or inquire the design problem or aspects of the design problem in order to create a solution.  

**Mind Mapping** A visual diagram used to organize information and ideas. It starts with a single idea, written or drawn in the center of a blank page, to which associated words or ideas are added, continuing to associate the words and ideas.  

**Object Design** Design of a material thing often related to industrial and product design. Ex. Design of tools, toys, cars, etc.  

**Passing Brainstorming** A brainstorming technique in which individuals convey ideas one after another building upon the ideas of others in a group.  

**Physical Model** A three dimensional replication or copy of a prototype  

**Popcorn Brainstorming** A brainstorming technique in which individuals freely state ideas in a group.  

**Presentation** An activity in which an individual or a team shows, describes, or explains a design solution to a group of people.  

**Prototype** A two-dimensional product or three-dimensional model of a design solution. See definitions of physical models, space models, interactions, and storytelling.  

**Questioning Brainstorming** A brainstorming technique in which individuals generate questions in a group that may later be explored.  

**Research** Investigating the design challenge determining the who, what, where, when, why, and how using a variety of research methods; surveys, observations, interviews, experiments, internet, encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, etc.  

**Sample Learning Target** A broad lesson learning scenario.  

**Space Model** a 2D or 3D replication or copy within which all things move  

**Standard** Principle that is used as a basis for judgment.  

**Storytelling** The use of words to describe the function or purpose of a prototype  

**Team** A group organized to meet specific goals.  

**Techniques** The use of tools and materials in unique ways that are specific to the designer and the medium.  

**Webbing** Is a brainstorming technique that provides a visual structure or framework for idea development and can assist with organizing and prioritizing information.  


## Design References

Alfonso N. (2009, December 2). ABC Nightline - *IDEO Shopping Cart* [Online Video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M66ZU2PCIcM  

Lerman, L. &Borstel, J., (2003). *Liz Lerman’s critical response process, a method of for getting useful feedback on anything you make, from dance to dessert*. Liz Lerman Dance Exchange.  

National Coalition for Core Arts Standards. (2014). *National Core Arts Standards*. Dover, DE: State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education. Retrieved from www.nationalartsstandards.org  

Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth. (2012, March 28). *IDEO workshop part four: prototyping* [Online Video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbjej4A6oRk  

Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth. (2012, March 28). *IDEO workshop part three: brainstorm* [Online Video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ocb1bonXWc8  

VandeZande, R. (2016). *Art and Design Education* [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from https://drive.google.com/a/kent.edu/file/d/0B7Etk0esSRy2NEVMQl9sUVM0bFE/view?usp=sharing  

VandeZande, R. (2011). Design education supports social responsibility and the economy. *Arts Education Policy Review*, 112(1), 26-34.