# Terminal (macOS) #### SHORTCUTS | Key/Command | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | Ctrl + A | Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on. This also works for most text input fields system wide. Netbeans being one exception | | Ctrl + E | Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on. This also works for most text input fields system wide. Netbeans being one exception | | Ctrl + Q | Clears everything on current line | | Ctrl + L | Clears the Screen | | ⌘Cmd + K |Clears the Screen | | Ctrl + U | Cut everything backwards to beginning of line | | Ctrl + K | Cut everything forward to end of line | | Ctrl + W | Cut one word backwards using white space as delimiter | | Ctrl + Y | Paste whatever was cut by the last cut command | | Ctrl + H | Same as backspace | | Ctrl + C | Kill whatever you are running | | Ctrl + D | Exit the current shell when no process is running, or send EOF to a the running process | | Ctrl + Z | Puts whatever you are running into a suspended background process. fg restores it. | | Ctrl + _ | Undo the last command. (Underscore. So it's actually Ctrl + Shift + minus) | | Ctrl + T | Swap the last two characters before the cursor | | Ctrl + F | Move cursor one character forward | | Ctrl + B | Move cursor one character backward | | Esc + F | Move cursor one word forward | | Esc + B | Move cursor one word backward | | Esc + T | Swap the last two words before the cursor | | Tab | Auto-complete files and folder names | ## CORE COMMANDS | Key/Command | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | cd | Home directory | | cd [folder] | Change directory e.g. `cd documents` | | cd / | Root of drive | | cd - | Previous directory | | ls | Short listing | | ls -l | Long listing | | ls -a | Listing incl. hidden files | | ls -lh| Long listing with Human readable file sizes | | ls -R | Entire content of folder recursively | | sudo [command] | Run command with the security privileges of the superuser (Super User DO) | | open [file] | Opens a file ( as if you double clicked it ) | | top | Displays active processes. Press q to quit | | nano [file] | Opens the file using the nano editor | | vim [file] | Opens the file using the vim editor | | clear | Clear screen | | reset | Resets the terminal display | #### CHAINING COMMANDS | Key/Command | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | [command-a]; [command-b] | Run command A and then B, regardless of success of A | | [command-a] && [command-b] | Run command B if A succeeded | | [command-a] || [command-b] | Run command B if A failed | | [command-a] & | Run command A in background | #### PIPING COMMANDS | Key/Command | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | [command-a] \| [command-b] | Run command A and then pass the result to command B e.g ps auxwww \| grep google | #### COMMAND HISTORY | Key/Command | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | history n | Shows the stuff typed – add a number to limit the last n items | | Ctrl + r | Interactively search through previously typed commands | | ![value] | Execute the last command typed that starts with ‘value’ | | !! | Execute the last command typed | #### FILE MANAGEMENT | Key/Command | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | touch [file] | Create new file | | pwd | Full path to working directory | | . | Current folder, e.g. `ls .` | | .. | Parent/enclosing directory, e.g. `ls ..` | | `ls -l ..` | Long listing of parent directory | | `cd ../../` | Move 2 levels up | | cat | Concatenate to screen | | rm [file] | Remove a file, e.g. `rm data.tmp` | | rm -i [file] | Remove with confirmation | | rm -r [dir] | Remove a directory and contents | | rm -f [file] | Force removal without confirmation | | cp [file] [newfile] | Copy file to file | | cp [file] [dir] | Copy file to directory | | mv [file] [new filename] | Move/Rename, e.g. `mv file1.ad /tmp` | | pbcopy < [file] | Copies file contents to clipboard | | pbpaste | Paste clipboard contents | | pbpaste > [file] | Past clipboard contents into file, `pbpaste > paste-test.txt` | #### DIRECTORY MANAGEMENT | Key/Command | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | mkdir [dir] | Create new directory | | mkdir -p [dir]/[dir] | Create nested directories | | rmdir [dir] | Remove directory ( only operates on empty directories ) | | rm -R [dir] | Remove directory and contents | | [command] \| [command] | Allows to combine multiple commands that generate output, e.g. `cat data.txt | pbcopy` | | less | Output content delivered in screensize chunks | | [command] > [file] | Push output to file, keep in mind it will get overwritten | | [command] >> [file] | Append output to existing file | | [command] < [file] | Tell command to read content from a file | #### SEARCH | Key/Command | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | find [dir] -name [search_pattern] | Search for files, e.g. `find /Users -name "file.txt"` | | grep [search_pattern] [file] | Search for all lines that contain the pattern, e.g. `grep "Tom" file.txt` | | grep -r [search_pattern] [file] | Recursively search for all lines that do not contain the pattern | | grep -v [search_pattern] [file] | Search for all lines that do NOT contain the pattern | #### HELP | Key/Command | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | [command] -h | Offers help | | [command] —help | Offers help | | info [command] | Offers help | | man [command] | Show the help manual for [command] | | whatis [command] | Gives a one-line description of [command] | | apropos [search-pattern] | Searches for command with keywords in description |