# Sublime

### Keyboard shorcuts

- `CTRL` + `SHIFT` + `p`: Command panel
- `CTRL` + `p`: File search
- `CTRL` + `r`: Method search inside current file
- `CTRL` + `g`: Go to line #
- `CTRL` + `SHIFT` + `[`: Fold code
- `CTRL` + `SHIFT` + `]`: Unfold code
- `ALT` + `SHIFT` + `2`: Double column/file mode
- `ALT` + `SHIFT` + `1`: Single column/file mode
- `CTRL` + `k` + `b`: Toggle Folders sidebar

### Useful config params
- `"draw_white_space": "all"` : Draw indentation spaces and tabs
- `"rulers": [120]` : Draw vertical ruler at 120 characters
- `"tab_size": 2` + `"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true` + `"detect_indentation": false`
- `"font_size": 9.5`: Font size allows decimals for fine tunning
- `"file_exclude_patterns": [ "*.log" ]`: Excludes certain file extensions by default from searches & folder view
- `"folder_exclude_patterns": [ "__pycache__" ],`: Excludes folders from searches & folder view
- `"animation_enabled": false` + `"tree_animation_enabled": false`: Disable some small animations
- `"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true`: Self-explaining
- `"font_options": ["no_italic"]`: Remove italics
- `"enable_telemetry": "disabled"`: Privacy control
- `"default_line_ending": "unix"`: Change line endings (`system`, `windows` (CRLF), `unix` (LF))

### Useful custom keybindings
- `{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+r"], "command": "reveal_in_side_bar" }`

### Packages and tools
- [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation)
- Packages
  - [All Autocomplete](https://github.com/alienhard/SublimeAllAutocomplete)
  - [ColorSublime](https://github.com/Colorsublime/Colorsublime-Plugin)
  - [Git](https://github.com/kemayo/sublime-text-git/wiki)
  - [Git Gutter](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/GitGutter)
  - [GoSublime](https://github.com/DisposaBoy/GoSublime)
  - [Markdown Preview](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Markdown%20Preview)
  - [Pretty JSON](https://github.com/dzhibas/SublimePrettyJson)
  - [SublimeCodeIntel](https://github.com/Kronuz/SublimeCodeIntel)
  - [Terminal](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Terminal)