# SupaBase

I mostly try to avoid SaaS unless they can do a much better job than I can for cheaper. I've previously used hosted Postgres databases at Heroku. I'm starting with the hosted version and experimenting with the self hosted version to see how well I can maintain it.

I started with an [AI project](/ai) to import all of the markdown files from this documentation but I'm starting another test project so that I can learn how to more accurately control the vector embeddings.

## Log

## Dashboard 

- <https://supabase.com/dashboard/>

## Docs

- Docs <https://supabase.com/docs>
- Guides <https://supabase.com/docs/guides>
 - Adding Generative Q&A - <https://supabase.com/docs/guides/ai/examples/headless-vector-search>
- AI & Vectors <https://supabase.com/vector>

## Repos

- Main <https://github.com/supabase/supabase>
- Realtime - <https://github.com/supabase/realtime>

## Notes
