# Adobe

## Log

**24/01/30** - I just spent a bunch of time batch compressing images in Photoshop to optimize an old website and I realized that haven't kept up this page very well even though I used Adobe products regularly and it'd save me some time.

## Source

Photoshop - https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/default-keyboard-shortcuts.html  
Illustrator - https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/using/default-keyboard-shortcuts.html  
InDesign - https://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/using/default-keyboard-shortcuts.html  
Premier - https://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/using/keyboard-shortcuts.html  
Audition - https://helpx.adobe.com/audition/using/default-keyboard-shortcuts.html  

## Fonts
Fonts from Adobe Typekit are @
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CoreSync/plugins/livetype/.r

## General

* ⌘ + N - New File
* ⌘ + S - Save
* ⌘ + ⇧ + S - Save As
* ⌘ + ⇧ + ⌥ + S - Save for Web & Devices
* ⌘ + O - Open
* ⌘ + Q - Quit
* ⌘ + W - Close
* ⌘ + P - Print
* ⌘ + Z - Undo/Redo
* ⌘ + ⇧ + Z - Step Forward
* ⌘ + ⌥ + Z - Step Backward
* ⌘ + X - Cut
* ⌘ + C - Copy
* ⌘ + V - Paste
* ⌘ + K - Preferences

## Illustrator

* V - Selection Tool
* M - Rectangle Tool
* W - Blend Tool
* L - Ellipse Tool
* I - Eyedropper Tool
* C - Scissors Tool
* B - Paint Brush Tool
* J - Column Graph Tool
* Y - Magic Wand Tool
* S - Scale Tool
* G - Gradient Tool

* E

Free Transform Tool

* O

Reflect Tool

* T

Type Tool

* P

Pen Tool

* U

Mesh Tool

* A

Direct Selection Tool

* H or Hold Space

Hand Tool

* R

Rotate Tool

* Q

Lasso Tool

* D

Default Fill/Stroke

* F

Screen Modes

* K

Live Paint Bucket Tool

* X

Switch Fill/Stroke

* N

Pencil Tool

* ,

Fill/Stroke w/ Colour

* .

Fill/Stroke w/ Gradient

* /

Fill/Strike w/ None

* Line Segment Tool
* -

Delete Anchor Point

* +

Add Anchor Point

* ⌘ + T

Character Window

* ⌘ + I

Spell Check

* ⌘ + G

Group Object

* ⌘ + ⇧ + G

Ungroup Object

* ⌘ + H

Hide Anchor Points

* ⌘ + B

Fill Black

### Changing View

* Z

Zoom Tool

* ⌘ + +

Zoom In

* ⌘ + -

Zoom Out

* ⌘ + 0

Fit Screen

* ⌘ + ~

Switch open tabs

* ⌘ + R

Show/Hide Rulers

* ⌘ + ;

Show/Hide Guides

* ⌘ + '

Show/Hide Grid

### Shift Tool Shortcuts

* ⇧ + Rotate Tool

Constrain rotation angles

* ⇧ + C

Convert anchor point

* ⇧ + B

Blob Brush

* ⇧ + E


* ⇧ + S

Symbol Sprayer

* ⇧ + L

Live Paint Selection

* ⇧ + O

Artboard Tool

* ⇧ + K

Slice Tool

* ⇧ + X

Swap Fill and Stroke

### Selecting & Moving

* ⌥ + Drag Object

Copy object while dragging

* Arrow Keys

Move selection

* ⇧ + Arrow Keys

Move selection by 10pt

* ⇧ + Select Objects

Select multiple objects

* ⌘ + A

Select all

### Typography

* ⌘ + ⇧ + < or >

Decrease/Increase type size

* ⌥ + ↓ or ↑

Decrease/Increase leading

* ⌥ + ← or →

Decrease/Increase kerning

* ⌘ + ⇧ + L, R or C

Align type left, right or centre

* ⌘ + ⇧ + J


### General

* ⌘ + N

New File

* ⌘ + S


* ⌘ + ⇧ + S

Save As

* ⌘ + ⌥ + S

Save a Copy

* ⌘ + ⇧ + ⌥ + S

Save for Web

* ⌘ + O


* ⌘ + Q


* ⌘ + W


* ⌘ + P


* ⌘ + Z


* ⌘ + X


* ⌘ + C


* ⌘ + V


* ⌘ + K


* ⌘ + M

Minify Tabs


## Photoshop

* V

Move Tool

* M

Rectangular Marquee Tool

* W

Magic Wand Tool

* L

Polygonal Lasso Tool

* I

Eyedropper Tool

* C

Crop Tool

* B

Brush Tool

* [

Decrease Brush Size

* ]

Increase Brush Size

* J

Spot Healing Brush Tool

* Y

History Brush Tool

* S

Clone Stamp Tool

* G

Paint Bucket Tool

* E

Eraser Tool

* O

Dodge Tool

* T

Type Tool

* P

Pen Tool

* U

Rectangle Tool

* A

Direct Selection Tool

* H

Hand Tool

* R

Rotate Tool

* Q

Quick Mask

* Toggle Layer Mask
* D

Default Colours

* ⇧ + [_Tool]_

Switch between tool in groups

### Changing View

* Z

Zoom Tool

* ⌘ + +

Zoom In

* ⌘ + -

Zoom Out

* ⌘ + 0

Fit Screen

* Tab

Hide all tools and panels

* ⇧ + Tab

Hide all panels except Toolbox & Options

* ⌘ + ⇧ + Page Up/Down

Scroll image left or right in window

* ⌘ + ⇧ + Drag in Navigator

Jump/Zoom to part of image

* ⌘ + ~

Switch open tabs

* ⌘ + R

Show/Hide Rulers

* ⌘ + ;

Show/Hide Guides

* ⌘ + '

Show/Hide Grid

### Selecting & Moving

* ⇧ + Marquee

Draw Marquee from centre

* ⇧

Add to a selection

* ⌥

Subtract from selection

* ⇧ + ⌥

Intersect with selection

* ⌥ + Drag Selection

Make copy of selection w/ Move Tool

* ⌘ + ⌥ + Drag Selection

Make copy of selection not in Move Tool

* Arrow Keys

Move selection (1 pixel increments)

* ⇧ + Arrow Keys

Move selection (10 pixel increments)

* ⌘ + Click Layer Thumbnail

Select all opaque pixels on layer

* ⌘ + ⇧ + D

Restore last selection

* ⇧ + F6

Feather selection

* Hold Space

Move marquee while drawing selection

### Images & Layers

* ⌘ + ⌥ + I

Resize Image

* ⌘ + ⌥ + C

Resize Canvas

* ⌘ + N

New Layer

* ⌘ + J

New Layer via Copy

* ⌘ + ⇧ + J

New Layer via Cut

* ⌘ + G

Group Layers

* ⌘ + ⇧ + G

Ungroup Layers

* ⌘ + ⇧ + ]

Bring to Front

* ⌘ + ]

Bring Forward

* ⌘ + [

Send Backward

* ⌘ + ⇧ + [

Send to Back

* ⌘ + E

Merge Layers

* ⌘ + ⇧ + E

Merge Visible

### Opacity

* 1

10% Opacity

* 2

20% Opacity

* 3

30% Opacity

* 4

40% Opacity

* 5

50% Opacity

* 6

60% Opacity

* 7

70% Opacity

* 8

80% Opacity

* 9

90% Opacity

* 0

100% Opacity

## Premier

## Audition