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Upgrade from Gogs

Gogs, version 0.9.146 and older, can be easily migrated to Gitea.

There are some basic steps to follow. On a Linux system run as the Gogs user:

*   Create a Gogs backup with `gogs backup`. This creates `gogs-backup-[timestamp].zip` file containing all important Gogs data. You would need it if you wanted to move to the `gogs` back later.
*   Download the file matching the destination platform from the [downloads page](https://dl.gitea.io/gitea/). It should be `1.0.x` version. Migrating from `gogs` to any other version is impossible.
*   Put the binary at the desired install location.
*   Copy `gogs/custom/conf/app.ini` to `gitea/custom/conf/app.ini`.
*   Copy custom `templates, public` from `gogs/custom/` to `gitea/custom/`.
*   For any other custom folders, such as `gitignore, label, license, locale, readme` in `gogs/custom/conf`, copy them to `gitea/custom/options`.
*   Copy `gogs/data/` to `gitea/data/`. It contains issue attachments and avatars.
*   Verify by starting Gitea with `gitea web`.
*   Enter Gitea admin panel on the UI, run `Rewrite '.ssh/authorized_keys' file`.
*   Launch every major version of the binary ( `1.1.4` → `1.2.3` → `1.3.4` → `1.4.2` → etc ) to migrate database.
*   If custom or config path was changed, run `Rewrite all update hook of repositories`.

Change gogs specific information

*   Rename `gogs-repositories/` to `gitea-repositories/`
*   Rename `gogs-data/` to `gitea-data/`
*   In `gitea/custom/conf/app.ini` change:


PATH = /home/:USER/gogs/data/:DATABASE.db
PATH = /home/:USER/gogs-data/attachments
AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH = /home/:USER/gogs-data/avatars
ROOT_PATH = /home/:USER/gogs/log


PATH = /home/:USER/gitea/data/:DATABASE.db
PATH = /home/:USER/gitea-data/attachments
AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH = /home/:USER/gitea-data/avatars
ROOT_PATH = /home/:USER/gitea/log

*   Verify by starting Gitea with `gitea web`

Upgrading to most recent `gitea` version

After successful migration from `gogs` to `gitea 1.0.x`, it is possible to upgrade `gitea` to a modern version in a two steps process.

Upgrade to [`gitea 1.6.4`](https://dl.gitea.io/gitea/1.6.4/) first. Download the file matching the destination platform from the [downloads page](https://dl.gitea.io/gitea/1.6.4/) and replace the binary. Run Gitea at least once and check that everything works as expected.

Then repeat the procedure, but this time using the [lastest release](https://dl.gitea.io/gitea/1.10.2/).

Upgrading from a more recent version of Gogs

Upgrading from a more recent version of Gogs is also possible, but requires a bit more work. See [#4286](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/4286).


*   If errors are encountered relating to custom templates in the `gitea/custom/templates` folder, try moving the templates causing the errors away one by one. They may not be compatible with Gitea or an update.

Add Gitea to startup on Unix

Update the appropriate file from [gitea/contrib](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/tree/master/contrib) with the right environment variables.

For distros with systemd:

*   Copy the updated script to `/etc/systemd/system/gitea.service`
*   Add the service to the startup with: `sudo systemctl enable gitea`
*   Disable old gogs startup script: `sudo systemctl disable gogs`

For distros with SysVinit:

*   Copy the updated script to `/etc/init.d/gitea`
*   Add the service to the startup with: `sudo rc-update add gitea`
*   Disable old gogs startup script: `sudo rc-update del gogs`