# Game

I ran across and old puzzle I used to own via a [research paper](/posts/dennis-ritchie-typographical-mystery) so I started this page to make notes on that project idea.  I used to collect puzzles as a kid because my grandfather had a small collection started giving me some of them. My parents got my brother and I a subscription to Games magazine <sub>1</sub>. 

For whatever reason, I was fascinated by games. I think it's important to create a sense of curiosity in young people so that they develop deductive reasoning and a love of learning.  My brother and I used to play an unorganized version of the Wikipedia Racing Game<sub>2</sub> long before it existed online and my wife and I now play a couple games like Wordle after dinner every night.

I want to combine an element of Choose Your Own Adventure that uses Wikipedia as a reference for making the choices into a print ( yes print ) book and accompanying website. It would be designed to take its readers/players down a maze of information that helps them solve the book/puzzle.


1. Games Magazine - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Games_World_of_Puzzles
2. Wikiracing - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikiracing
2. Choose Your Own Adventure - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choose_Your_Own_Adventure