--- title: Gardener's World description: Today I learned that Gardeners' World has 54 seasons slug: gardeners-world tags: [garden] image: https://davidawindham.com/wp-content/themes/daw/img/opengraph_image.jpg hide_table_of_contents: false --- Today I learned that _Gardeners' World_ is on it's 54th season. It first aired in 1968 on BBC Television 1. We just started watching the series likely because of working on our garden and yard. I updated my Garden notes page 2 because I'm trying to remember the names of all of the plants. If I remember correctly from the episode last night, there are over 500 plant families and 300,000 species with millions named. I think I'll just shoot for learning all of the ones in my yard. After watching other folks tend to their gardens, I decided to order some new sheers and gloves yesterday. I got poison ivy on my arm clearing out some natural area because I'm worried the new pup will get into everything. I'm meeting with a tree guy today about an unhealthy Oak. My father has about a quarter acre garden and the older I get the more I also just want to work in the yard. I know now that I've got plenty of seasons of _Gardeners' World_ and an almost endless amount of knowledge to keep me occupied. --- 1. Gardener's World - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gardeners%27_World](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gardeners%27_World) 2. Notes / Garden - [notes/garden](/notes/garden)