helene-ins-sum.md 9.8 KB

description: Insurance claim related to Hurrican Helene Damage

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Insurance Summary

:::info 24/12/09 - I compiled a simpler version from our insurance company's Claims Summary Report so that we could more easily compare them item to item with our contractor's estimates & invoices. :::

Insurance Claim Totals

**Summary** **Time & Materials**
Line Item Total 12,589.48 Material 2,960.98
Tax 207.27 Labor 9,804.46
Subtotal 12,796.75 Equipment 1,200.15
Laundry & D/C Tax 0.58 Miscellaneous 8.25
**RCV** Replacement Cost Value 12,797.33 Subtotal 13,973.84
Less Depreciation (Including Taxes) (2,044.36) Material Sales Tax 207.27
Less Deductible (2,620.64) Laundry & D/C Tax 0.58
**Net** Actual Cash Value Payment **$8,132.33** Total **ACV** Actual Cost Value **14,181.69**

Insurance Reimbursement vs. Contractor Costs

Tree Removal

**Insurance** **Contractor**
Tree Removal -
Tree - removal and disposal
Materials 2,239.44 Materials
Labor 1,165.92 Labor
Line Items 39-40 **3,405.36** JMP Construction **6750.00**
Difference: **3344.64**


**Insurance** **Contractor**
Landscaping -
**note:** 20,000 coverage in our policy but nothing in claim settlement. Lost a lot of turf and shrubbery. Some of it due to heavy equipment ( not sure if covered ) Will replant & re-sod/seed.
Materials Materials
Labor Labor
Line Items - **0.00** Contractor(s)


**Insurance** **Contractor**
Demolition -
Materials Materials
Labor Labor
Line Items - Contractor(s)


**Insurance** **Contractor**
Roof -
**note:** contractor noted that he saw nothing in the settlement regarding engineered trusses 🛑 and pointed out the both sides of the top roof will need to be replaced. Will be writing up quote.
Materials 493.54 Materials
Labor 4,259.46 Labor
Line Items 1-4 **4,753.00** Contractor(s)


**Insurance** **Contractor**
Insulation -
Materials Materials
Labor Labor
Line Items - Contractor(s)


**Insurance** **Contractor**
**note:** cedar siding - about 40-60ft needs to be replaced
Materials 1.20 🛑 Materials
Labor 204.50 Labor
Line Items - Contractor(s)

Soffit, Fascia, & Gutter

**Insurance** **Contractor**
Soffit, Fascia, & Gutter -
Materials Materials
Labor Labor
Line Items - Contractor(s)


**Insurance** **Contractor**
Windows -
Materials Materials
Labor Labor
Line Items - Contractor(s)


**Insurance** **Contractor**
Doors -
Materials Materials
Labor Labor
Line Items - Contractor(s)


**Insurance** **Contractor**
Drywall -
Materials Materials
Labor Labor
Line Items - Contractor(s)


**Insurance** **Contractor**
Paint -
Materials Materials
Labor Labor
Line Items - Contractor(s)


**Insurance** **Contractor**
Flooring -
**note:** there is water damage to the subflooring beneath the carpet that the adjuster didn't note or look for. Also will need to redo the entire carpet upstairs to match.
Materials Materials
Labor Labor
Line Items - Contractor(s)