textmate.md 9.9 KB


tend to forget?

column editing:
curser at front of line then ⇧⌥↓ to select lines
tap ⌥ to switch to column selection mode
move to the end of all lines (⌘→):

TextMate Cheat Sheet


| | ⌘Command, ⇧ Shift, ⌃ Control, ⌥ Option/Alt, ⎋ Escape, ↩ Enter/Return, ⌫ Backspace, ⇥ Tab |
| - | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| | Help |
| | ⌘? Help |
| | ⌃⌘⌥B Bundle Docs/Editor |
| | |
| | File |
| | ⌘S Save File |
| | ⌘W Close File |
| | ⌃⌘S Save Project |
| | ⌃⌘W Close All Tabs in Project |
| | ⇧⌘W Close Project/Window |
| | ⌃⌘R Reveal in Project |
| | ⌃⇧⌘R Reveal in Finder |
| | |
| | General |
| | ⌃⌘⌥D Toggle Drawer |
| | ⌘T Go to File... (supports abbreviations) |
| | ⇧⌘T Go to Symbol... (supports abbreviations) |
| | ⌃ ⇧A Ack in Project |
| | ⎋ Complete |
| | ⌘L Go to Line... |
| | ⌃U Convert to Uppercase |
| | ⌃ ⇧U Convert to Lowercase |
| | ⌃ ⌥U Convert to Title Case (Entire Line) |
| | ⌘↩ Newline After Line |
| | ⌘] Increase Indent |
| | ⌘[ Decrease Indent |
| | ⌘⌥[ Auto Indent |
| | ⌃⇧J Join With Next Line |
| | ⌥⌫ Delete to Previous Word |
| | ⌃K Delete to End of Line |
| | ⌃⇧K Delete Line |
| | ⌃⇧N Statistics for Document (Word Count) |
| | ⌘⌥W Toggle Soft Warp |
| | ⌃Q Wrap Text |
| | ⌥⌘R Filter Document Through Command |
| | ⌃⇧O Open Project in Terminal |
| | |
| | lorem⇥ Insert Lorem ipsum dolor... |
| | |
| | Selections |
| | ⌃W Select Word |
| | ⌘⇧L Select Line |
| | ⌘⇧B Select Enclosing Brackets |
| | ⌘⌥A Edit Multiple Lines |
| | ⌥ Change to Column Selection |
| | ⌥ drag Column Select |
| | ⌘⇧ arrow Move Selection |
| | |
| | Code |
| | ⌃_ Toggle camelCase / snake_case / PascalCase |
| | ⌘/ Toggle Comment |
| | ⌃" Toggle Quotes |
| | ⌃H Docs for Language |
| | ⇧↩ New Method |
| | ⌃↩ Descriptive Newline |
| | ⌘⌥↩ Insert Semicolon at End of Line |
| | if⇥ If Statement |
| | ife⇥ If Else Statement |
| | |
| | :⇥ Key Value pair |
| | |
| | Ruby on Rails |
| | ⌃H Ruby and Ruby on Rails Docs |
| | %{ Toggle Block Style (do..end / {}) |
| | ⌘⇧H Create Partial from Selection |
| | ⌃⇧M Quick Migration |
| | ⌃L Hash Arrow |
| | |
| | cla⇥ Class Definitions |
| | mod⇥ Module Definitions |
| | ea⇥ Each |
| | resources⇥ Create Resource Controller |
| | |
| | mcol⇥ Modify Column |
| | mtab⇥ Modify Table |
| | mind⇥ Modify Indexes |
| | dir⇥ File.dirname(FILE) |
| | |
| | Javascript |
| | :⇥ Key "value" pair |
| | :,⇥ Key Value pair |
| | f⇥ Anonymous Function |
| | :f⇥ Object Method |
| | |
| | HTML |
| | ⌃< Insert Open/Close Tag |
| | ⌃H Lookup W3 Docs |
| | ⌘⌥. Insert Close Tag |
| | ⌘& Url/Entity Encode/Decode |
| | ⌃⇧W Wrap in Tag |
| | |
| | doctype⇥ Insert Doctype |
| | !⇥ Conditional Comments |