23.05.31 - I added this page as a copy of my Reminders. I detailed my workflow in The easiest way to export the reminders to Markdown is to print to PDF and then migrate, so the first todo item should be to find a better way to sync them here. ( 23/12/08 ) Made and Apple Shortcut to export them to markdown and consolidated the ToDo(ne) list here.
Short Term
- Travel
- House / Garden
- Iris
- service eligibility / AKC Registration
- Tennis
- Boys Roster / SwingVision app
- Work
- ZW - 23' Invoicing 🔥
- prep taxes 🔥
- AI - SupaBase and/or postgres from Github actions
- switch ai.daw to lobehub
- GWP - Publish / Usage tutorial 🔥
- SRH - NP/PAs to Providers Directory 🔥
- Rebuild design features as blocks
- IRAs consult/move
- Woozie / Zeke
- Cache policies / Auto Remove old analytics logs
Middle Term
- Work
- SRH - Rework Navigation based on Analytics
- TIL - build tool / Github actions
- PHF/HLF - Redesigns
- GA universal v.4/domain migrations
- Self host email - migrate from G Suite
- New Mac Mini/Studio
- Fix mail@daw from wp.dw
- fix radio.daw redis auth
- customize 503 error pages for nodejs
- API Dashboard
- DW - svg animations
- ActivityPub spec
- Learn
- Akamai EdgeCompute & EdgeWorkers
- Turbo build system -
- Deno / Lume / SaaSkit -
- Rust WASM &
- Svelte - sqlite tennis scorer
- Edward Lee Elmore Wikipedia page
- Tennis
- Convice SCHSL to move back girl's season
- update certifications
- House / Garden
- Pressure wash / Re-seal decks ( spring )
- Front Doors
- Kitchen Redo
- counter tops
- counter depth fridge
- Upstairs Balcony deck
Long Term
- Work
- Student loan Payoff
- Medical Savings Account
- Side projects
- The-Ham/ Storyboard / Carolinas House / Juryd / GZET
- Art
- Watercolor setup / Illustrated Book
- House / Garden
- Master bath remodel
- Irrigation system
- Upstairs HVAC condenser
- Re-roof
- Re-paint
- Pond dredged
- New Garage Door w/ windows
- new build