I enjoy gardening and yard work. I sometimes call this document site my little digital garden. I met my wife in a History of Landscape Design class while in college. We just started watching Gardeners World I've always got some kind of yard project going on, so I'm going to leave this page here as a place to make notes.
23/05/23 - After watching Gardeners' World and realized that I don't know half of the plants that are planted in the beds. I started mapping out our yard to label the tree types, called in a tree guy to look at one of the oaks, ordered new sheers, gloves, and trays.
The better half has an obsession with indoor plants. Our house is full of them and we've even got one room we just call "the plant room" even though it's a sunroom.
I built several raised garden beds in the middle of our front lawn which I keep a variety of plants going. Sometimes I plant a bunch of summer vegetables, but it's mostly herbs and flowers.
See Also: /lists/shopping#garden