2023-06-10-posts.md 1.9 KB

title: Premier Color Spaces description: Today I learned how to set color spaces in Premier slug: color-spaces-premier <!--- authors:

Today I learned why the iPhone 12 HDR setting has blown/washed out video color in Adobe Premier Pro. I mostly prefer to leave the High Dynamic Range enabled on video for my phone so I leave the setting on. It was especially noticeable while uploading some footage of Iris in the pond 1,2.

Adobe used to try to map HDR color into Rec. 709 color space. but now they've added a couple settings to handle them. The newer iPhone is recognizing the color space as Req 2100 HLG which is not a bug. There are some options for recognizing HDR now by changing a couple of default settings and/or adding a custom LUT3. There is a beta feature coming to automatically tone map the media3.

  • Settings > General > Enable >
    • Extended dynamic range monitoring.
    • Display Color Management
  • Source Panel > Option Click source > Modify > Interpret Footage
    • Color Management Input LUT: ( custom Lookup Table file )
    • Color Space Overide Rec 2020/2100
    • (beta) Working Color Space - Automatically Tone Map Media

  1. Iris - David A. Windham - https://davidawindham.com/iris/
  2. Video of Iris in the pond - https://photo.davidwindham.com/#167344
  3. Premier Pro v22 - Understanding Color Spaces & HRD - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odwptnEhxJs
  4. Understanding Color and HDR in Premiere - Update Jan 2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-JFl4aRpao