things I tend to forget :)
#find config file load order
mysql --help | grep cnf
sudo vi .my.cnf
20/03/29 migrating databases
some tables I'm dealing with were created with MySQL v5.1 [ v5.7.29 zeke/woozer & v8.0.19 -macs ]
SET @DATABASE_NAME = 'name_of_db';
SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` ENGINE=InnoDB;') AS sql_statements
FROM information_schema.tables AS tb
WHERE table_schema = @DATABASE_NAME
ORDER BY table_name DESC;
In MySQL 8.0, the default authentication plugin has changed from mysql_native_password to caching_sha2_password, and the 'root'@'localhost' administrative account uses caching_sha2_password by default. If you prefer that the root account use the previous default authentication plugin (mysql_native_password), see caching_sha2_password and the root Administrative Account.
cd /usr/local/mysql
mkdir mysql-files
chown mysql:mysql mysql-files
chmod 750 mysql-files
bin/mysqld --initialize --user=mysql
####### caching_sha2_password -> mysql_native_password in v8 #######
mysql> ALTER USER 'pma'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
ERROR 1726 (HY000): Storage engine 'MyISAM' does not support system tables. [mysql.db]
mysql> alter table mysql.db ENGINE=InnoDB
mysql> REPAIR TABLE mysql.db;
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| mysql.db | repair | note | The storage engine for the table doesnt support repair
For compilers to find mysql@5.7 you may need to set: export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/mysql@5.7/lib" export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/mysql@5.7/include"
For pkg-config to find mysql@5.7 you may need to set: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/mysql@5.7/lib/pkgconfig"
To have launchd start mysql@5.7 now and restart at login: brew services start mysql@5.7 Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run: /usr/local/opt/mysql@5.7/bin/mysql.server start
needed a new pmauser on 5.7
GRANT USAGE ON mysql.* TO 'pma'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'pmapass'; GRANT SELECT (
Host, User, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv,
Create_priv, Drop_priv, Reload_priv, Shutdown_priv, Process_priv,
File_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv,
Show_db_priv, Super_priv, Create_tmp_table_priv, Lock_tables_priv,
Execute_priv, Repl_slave_priv, Repl_client_priv
) ON mysql.user TO 'pma'@'localhost';
GRANT SELECT ON mysql.db TO 'pma'@'localhost'; GRANT SELECT ON TO 'pma'@'localhost'; GRANT SELECT (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Table_priv, Column_priv)
ON mysql.tables_priv TO 'pma'@'localhost';
What's New is MySQL 8
MySQL 8 Release Notes
mysql > status
mysql > exhibit
Access monitor: `mysql -u [username] -p;` (will prompt for password)
Show all databases: show databases;
Access database: mysql -u [username] -p [database]
(will prompt for password)
Create new database: create database [database];
Select database: use [database];
Determine what database is in use: select database();
Show all tables: show tables;
Show table structure: describe [table];
List all indexes on a table: show index from [table];
Create new table with columns: CREATE TABLE [table] ([column] VARCHAR(120), [another-column] DATETIME);
Adding a column: ALTER TABLE [table] ADD COLUMN [column] VARCHAR(120);
Adding a column with an unique, auto-incrementing ID: ALTER TABLE [table] ADD COLUMN [column] int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY;
Inserting a record: INSERT INTO [table] ([column], [column]) VALUES ('[value]', [value]');
MySQL function for datetime input: NOW()
Selecting records: SELECT * FROM [table];
Explain records: EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM [table];
Selecting parts of records: SELECT [column], [another-column] FROM [table];
Counting records: SELECT COUNT([column]) FROM [table];
Counting and selecting grouped records: SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT([column]) FROM [table]) AS count FROM [table] GROUP BY [column];
Selecting specific records: SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] = [value];
(Selectors: <
, >
, !=
; combine multiple selectors with AND
, OR
Select records containing [value]
: SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] LIKE '%[value]%';
Select records starting with [value]
: SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] LIKE '[value]%';
Select records starting with val
and ending with ue
: SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] LIKE '[val_ue]';
Select a range: SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] BETWEEN [value1] and [value2];
Select with custom order and only limit: SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] ORDER BY [column] ASC LIMIT [value];
(Order: DESC
Updating records: UPDATE [table] SET [column] = '[updated-value]' WHERE [column] = [value];
Deleting records: DELETE FROM [table] WHERE [column] = [value];
Delete all records from a table (without dropping the table itself): DELETE FROM [table];
(This also resets the incrementing counter for auto generated columns like an id column.)
Delete all records in a table: truncate table [table];
Removing table columns: ALTER TABLE [table] DROP COLUMN [column];
Deleting tables: DROP TABLE [table];
Deleting databases: DROP DATABASE [database];
Custom column output names: SELECT [column] AS [custom-column] FROM [table];
Export a database dump (more info here): mysqldump -u [username] -p [database] > db_backup.sql
Use --lock-tables=false
option for locked tables (more info here).
Import a database dump (more info here): mysql -u [username] -p -h localhost [database] < db_backup.sql
Logout: exit;
Select but without duplicates: SELECT distinct name, email, acception FROM owners WHERE acception = 1 AND date >= 2015-01-01 00:00:00
Calculate total number of records: SELECT SUM([column]) FROM [table];
Count total number of [column]
and group by [category-column]
: SELECT [category-column], SUM([column]) FROM [table] GROUP BY [category-column];
Get largest value in [column]
: SELECT MAX([column]) FROM [table];
Get smallest value: SELECT MIN([column]) FROM [table];
Get average value: SELECT AVG([column]) FROM [table];
Get rounded average value and group by [category-column]
: SELECT [category-column], ROUND(AVG([column]), 2) FROM [table] GROUP BY [category-column];
Select from multiple tables: SELECT [table1].[column], [table1].[another-column], [table2].[column] FROM [table1], [table2];
Combine rows from different tables: SELECT * FROM [table1] INNER JOIN [table2] ON [table1].[column] = [table2].[column];
Combine rows from different tables but do not require the join condition: SELECT * FROM [table1] LEFT OUTER JOIN [table2] ON [table1].[column] = [table2].[column];
(The left table is the first table that appears in the statement.)
Rename column or table using an alias: SELECT [table1].[column] AS '[value]', [table2].[column] AS '[value]' FROM [table1], [table2];
List all users: SELECT User,Host FROM mysql.user;
Create new user: CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Grant ALL
access to user for *
tables: GRANT ALL ON database.* TO 'user'@'localhost';
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
systemctl status mysql
sudo vi /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
bind-address = [database server IP address]
[add] require_secure_transport = on
setup ssl
sudo mysql_ssl_rsa_setup --uid=mysql
sudo systemctl restart mysql
check that it's listening for external connection
sudo netstat -plunt | grep mysqld
make sure the port is open on the servers
sudo ufw allow mysql
sudo iptables -L -nv --line-numbers
sudo iptables -I INPUT 7 -p tcp --dport 3306 -m state
###Performance Tuning
wget -O
perl --host targetDNS_IP --user admin_user --pass admin_password