8.4 KB


My secondary machine ( i7 mac mini )
My current main machine is Macs


22/11/8 - Preparing for my annual machine cleaning and migration to ARM. In doing so, I've moved the magic mini up to the office to act as a server on which to drop my development projects during the migration. I previously had used the mini as a media server in the den but I've found that it's easier to user AirPlay from a tablet. I'll leave a breadcrumb trail here of the specifics as a reference.



Moved it to have an ethernet connection to the main router and reserved the IP address: so that it's available to all of the machines on the network.


Renamed the drive ( MiniSSD ) and wiped clean the original 1TB disc ( Magick ) to use as a NAS backup drive. Added my two Lacie drives ( Silverbullet / Farpoe ) so that they are accessible via the network. Changed the file permissions to allow Remote Management and access.

Operating System

It's going to be permanently stuck on MacOS 11 Catalina due to Monterey not supporting it. Installed the lastest XCode command line tools to bring Homebrew up to speed. Matched up the software on macs so I have duplicates and I'm making notes on which ones are x86, universal, and ARM native.


Oh My ZSH configuration to match servers and other machines. I use an identifying emoji ( Macs 🐶 / Magic 🎱 / Zeke 🦊 / Woozer 🐻 )for each prompt to make it easier to differentiate the machines. Migrated dotfiles using my repo @


Duplicated all of my existing project databases:

  • MySQL 8.0.26 x86 64bit
  • PostGreSQL 13.4
  • MongoDB 4.4
  • Redis 6.2


  • PHP 7.4.24 & 8.0.11
  • Ruby 2.7.4 & 3.0.2 ( via RVM )
  • Python 3.9.7
  • GoLang 1.17.3
  • Node 16.13 & 17.0.1 ( via NVM )


  • Abandoned

    • RDM ( Redis Now in TablesPlus )
    • Colloquy ( No IRC anymore )
  • Migrated

    • TablesPlus
    • Sequel Pro
    • MongoDB Compass
    • Docker
    • DBengin
    • Postman/Insomnia
    • Vercel Now
    • WebStorm/RubyMine/PyCharm/PhpStorm/GoLand
    • VSCode/Textmate/Sublime/Atom/CodeKit
    • AdobeCC/Sketch/Sip
    • Final Cut/Audio Hijack/VLC/Handbrake/Screenflow/Licecap
    • Keybase/Slack/Zoom
    • Apache/Nginx
    • Homebrew 3.3.3


brew leaves | column
automake libmetalink php@7.2
boost libpqxx php@7.4
composer libxml2 phpunit
dnsmasq libyaml postgresql
faac makedepend redis
ffmpeg mcrypt sphinx-doc
gist mkcert texi2html
gnupg mysql@5.7 tmux
go nghttp2 wp-cli
heroku/brew/heroku nginx yarn
httpd nss yasm
httrack nvm zlib
ilmbase pandoc zsh-history-substring-search
imagemagick php zsh-syntax-highlighting
brew list
adns leptonica nspr
aom libass nss
apr libassuan nvm
apr-util libbluray oniguruma
argon2 libde265 opencore-amr
aspell libev openexr
autoconf libevent openjpeg
automake libffi openldap
bdw-gc libgcrypt openssl@1.1
boost libgpg-error opus
brotli libheif p11-kit
c-ares libidn pandoc
ca-certificates libidn2 pcre
cairo libksba pcre2
composer liblqr php
curl libmetalink php@7.2
curl-openssl libnghttp2 php@7.4
dav1d libogg phpunit
dnsmasq libomp pinentry
docbook libpng pixman
docbook-xsl libpq pkg-config
faac libpqxx postgresql
ffmpeg libpthread-stubs python@3.10
flac libsamplerate python@3.9
fontconfig libsndfile rav1e
freetds libsodium readline
freetype libsoxr redis
frei0r libssh2 rtmpdump
fribidi libtasn1 rubberband
gd libtiff sdl2
gdbm libtool shared-mime-info
gettext libunistring snappy
ghostscript libusb speex
giflib libvidstab sphinx-doc
gist libvmaf sqlite
glib libvorbis srt
gmp libvpx tesseract
gnu-getopt libx11 texi2html
gnupg libxau theora
gnutls libxcb tidy-html5
go libxdmcp tmux
gobject-introspection libxext unbound
graphite2 libxml2 unixodbc
guile libxrender utf8proc
harfbuzz libyaml webp
heroku libzip wp-cli
heroku-node little-cms2 x264
httpd lzo x265
httpd24 m4 xmlto
httrack makedepend xorgproto
icu4c mcrypt xvid
ilmbase mhash xz
imagemagick mkcert yarn
imath mpdecimal yasm
jansson mysql@5.7 zeromq
jbig2dec ncurses zimg
jemalloc nettle zlib
jpeg nghttp2 zsh-history-substring-search
jpeg-xl nginx zsh-syntax-highlighting
krb5 node zstd
lame npth