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title: Lists slug: /

toc_min_heading_level: 2



A list of lists for non-technical stuff.

This page was originally published at It was inspired by the first awesome list that Sindre Sorhus created which you can read about on the original post. I'm using it as a place to keep some non-technical lists. I'm primarily using it to list my favorite artists, places, people, and things.

I've moved this old repo into this TIL project to simplify.

  • 22.11 - Added Music Playlists
  • 22.04 - Added Words, Quotes, Concepts, and Trivia based on other items added to my Today I learned index.
  • 22.07 - Added Up next page as a replacement for using my bookmarks site to keep up with my future attention.


Art / Concepts / Film / Literature / Music / Music Playlists / Next / Other / People / Places / Quotes / Things / Trivia / Words