Git'ing My WordPress Workflow, so i'm machindependent. [![Build Status](]( ***** **ca·ve·at git·mptor**: do not clone ( build your own ) ***** 2006 - ( v 0.1.0 ) Modern WordPress workflow ala []( & []( with an enviroment that's easy to replicate between machines. 2020 - ( Updated v 0.2.0 ) Inspiration from [Develop-Wordpress](, [Roots](, [Square-One](, & [Laravel]( Trying to use the smallest dev footprint possible closely matching the WordPress core workflow alongside of a full suite of development tools. Prefer to use Git version of Wordpress to enable switching versions quickly. Prefer using Composer for plugins to avoid git submodule hell. #### Built With: [Wordpress](, [Node](, [NPM](, [Grunt](, [Composer](, [Travis CI]( #### Usage $ git clone $ npm install $ git submodule update --init --recursive $ cd wp $ git git fetch --tags && git checkout 5.3.2(WordPress version you'd like) $ cd .. $ composer update $ npm run dev /* run generates salts/keys cp .env.example to .env cp wp-config-sample.php -> wp-config.php */ /* edit you know the drill */ ***** #### ToDo: setup tests add rsync *have fun* #### 2020 Notes: Clean up old submodules. # Remove the submodule entry from .git/config git submodule deinit -f path/to/submodule # Remove the submodule directory from the superproject's .git/modules directory rm -rf .git/modules/path/to/submodule # Remove the entry in .gitmodules and remove the submodule directory located at path/to/submodule git rm -f path/to/submodule [submodule "app/themes/_s"] path = app/themes/_s url = [submodule "app/plugins/vip-scanner"] path = app/plugins/vip-scanner url = [submodule "app/plugins/developer"] path = app/plugins/developer url = [submodule "app/plugins/wp-redis-cache"] path = app/plugins/wp-redis-cache url = [submodule "app/plugins/wp-debug-bar"] path = app/plugins/wp-debug-bar url = [submodule "app/plugins/debug-bar-slow-actions"] path = app/plugins/debug-bar-slow-actions url = [submodule "app/plugins/WP-API"] path = app/plugins/WP-API url = Collect all of my Tweaks into a Starter Template so I don't have to pull up old themes to go looking for them. -> app/themes/dwp/ -> dwp/functions.php #### Modified .htaccess Localhost install in /wp/ directory. Sets deflate compression Add security: Some may replicate server wide settings in /etc/apache2/custom.d/ or disable functionality Added /SRDB/ submodule -