get_name() ); $this->callback_url = Keyring_Util::admin_url( $this->get_name(), array( 'action' => 'verify', 'kr_nonce' => $kr_nonce, 'nonce' => $nonce ) ); if ( !class_exists( 'OAuthRequest' ) ) require dirname( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) . '/oauth-php/OAuth.php'; } /** * OAuth services always require a key and a secret */ function is_configured() { $creds = $this->get_credentials(); return !empty( $creds['key'] ) && !empty( $creds['secret'] ); } function request_token() { Keyring_Util::debug( 'Keyring_Service_OAuth1::request_token()' ); if ( !isset( $_REQUEST['nonce'] ) || !wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['nonce'], 'keyring-request-' . $this->get_name() ) ) { Keyring::error( __( 'Invalid/missing request nonce.', 'keyring' ) ); exit; } // Need to create a request token now, so that we have a state to pass $request_token = new Keyring_Request_Token( $this->get_name(), array(), apply_filters( 'keyring_request_token_meta', array( 'for' => isset( $_REQUEST['for'] ) ? (string) $_REQUEST['for'] : false, 'type' => 'request', 'user_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'blog_id' => get_current_blog_id(), ), $this->get_name(), array(), // no token $this ) ); $request_token = apply_filters( 'keyring_request_token', $request_token, $this ); $request_token_id = $this->store_token( $request_token ); Keyring_Util::debug( 'OAuth1 Stored Request token ' . $request_token_id ); $request_token_url = add_query_arg( 'oauth_callback', urlencode( add_query_arg( 'state', $request_token_id, $this->callback_url ) ), $this->request_token_url ); // Set up OAuth request $req = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token( $this->consumer, null, $this->request_token_method, $request_token_url, null ); $req->sign_request( $this->signature_method, $this->consumer, null ); $query = ''; $parsed = parse_url( (string) $req ); if ( !empty( $parsed['query'] ) && 'POST' == strtoupper( $this->request_token_method ) ) { $request_token_url = str_replace( '?' . $parsed['query'], '', (string) $req ); $query = $parsed['query']; } else { $request_token_url = (string) $req; } // Go and get a request token switch ( strtoupper( $this->request_token_method ) ) { case 'GET': Keyring_Util::debug( "OAuth1 GET Request Token URL: $request_token_url" ); $res = wp_remote_get( $request_token_url ); break; case 'POST': Keyring_Util::debug( "OAuth1 POST Request Token URL: $request_token_url" ); Keyring_Util::debug( $query ); $res = wp_remote_post( $request_token_url, array( 'body' => $query, 'sslverify' => false ) ); break; default: Keyring::error( __( 'Unsupported method specified for request_token.', 'keyring' ) ); exit; } Keyring_Util::debug( 'OAuth1 Response' ); Keyring_Util::debug( $res ); if ( 200 == wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $res ) ) { // Get the values returned from the remote service $token = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $res ); parse_str( trim( $token ), $token ); Keyring_Util::debug( 'OAuth1 Token Response' ); Keyring_Util::debug( $token ); $meta = array( '_classname' => get_called_class(), // Must include this for re-hydration, since we're using manual update() 'user_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'blog_id' => get_current_blog_id(), ); // Use the ?for param to mark a connection as being for a specific plugin/feature if ( isset( $_REQUEST['for'] ) ) { $meta['for'] = (string) esc_attr( $_REQUEST['for'] ); } $request_token = new Keyring_Request_Token( $this->get_name(), $token, apply_filters( 'keyring_request_token_meta', $meta, $this->get_name(), $token, $this ), $request_token_id // Overwrite the previous one ); $request_token = apply_filters( 'keyring_request_token', $request_token, $this ); $this->store->update( $request_token ); } else { Keyring::error( sprintf( __( 'There was a problem connecting to %s to create an authorized connection. Please try again in a moment.', 'keyring' ), $this->get_label() ) ); return false; } // Redirect user to authorize access $authorize = add_query_arg( 'oauth_token', urlencode( $token['oauth_token'] ), $this->authorize_url ) ; if ( $this->callback_url ) { // Add reference to our request token to the callback. Use "state" a la OAuth2 for consistency $authorize = add_query_arg( 'oauth_callback', urlencode( add_query_arg( 'state', $request_token_id, $this->callback_url ) ), $authorize ); } Keyring_Util::debug( "OAuth Authorize Redirect: $authorize", KEYRING__DEBUG_NOTICE ); wp_redirect( $authorize ); exit; } function verify_token() { Keyring_Util::debug( 'Keyring_Service_OAuth1::verify_token()' ); if ( !isset( $_REQUEST['nonce'] ) || !wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['nonce'], 'keyring-verify-' . $this->get_name() ) ) { Keyring::error( __( 'Invalid/missing verification nonce.', 'keyring' ) ); exit; } // Load up the request token that got us here and globalize it if ( isset( $_GET['state'] ) ) { global $keyring_request_token; $state = (int) $_GET['state']; $keyring_request_token = $this->store->get_token( array( 'id' => $state, 'type' => 'request' ) ); Keyring_Util::debug( 'OAuth1 Loaded Request Token ' . $_GET['state'] ); Keyring_Util::debug( $keyring_request_token ); $secret = $keyring_request_token->token['oauth_token_secret']; // Remove request token, don't need it any more. $this->store->delete( array( 'id' => $state, 'type' => 'request' ) ); } // Get an access token, using the temporary token passed back $token = isset( $_GET['oauth_token'] ) ? $_GET['oauth_token'] : false; $access_token_url = $this->access_token_url; if ( !empty( $_GET['oauth_verifier'] ) ) $access_token_url = add_query_arg( array( 'oauth_verifier' => urlencode( $_GET['oauth_verifier'] ) ), $access_token_url ); // Set up a consumer token and make the request for an access_token $token = new OAuthConsumer( $token, $secret ); $this->set_token( new Keyring_Access_Token( $this->get_name(), $token, array() ) ); $res = $this->request( $access_token_url, array( 'method' => $this->access_token_method, 'raw_response' => true ) ); Keyring_Util::debug( 'OAuth1 Access Token Response' ); Keyring_Util::debug( $res ); if ( !Keyring_Util::is_error( $res ) ) { $token = $this->parse_access_token( $res ); $access_token = new Keyring_Access_Token( $this->get_name(), new OAuthToken( $token['oauth_token'], $token['oauth_token_secret'] ), $this->build_token_meta( $token ) ); $access_token = apply_filters( 'keyring_access_token', $access_token, $token ); Keyring_Util::debug( 'OAuth1 Access Token for storage' ); Keyring_Util::debug( $access_token ); $id = $this->store_token( $access_token ); $this->verified( $id, $keyring_request_token ); exit; } else { Keyring::error( sprintf( __( 'There was a problem connecting to %s to create an authorized connection. Please try again in a moment.', 'keyring' ), $this->get_label() ) ); return false; } } function request( $url, array $params = array() ) { if ( $this->requires_token() && empty( $this->token ) ) return new Keyring_Error( 'keyring-request-error', __( 'No token', 'keyring' ) ); $raw_response = false; if ( isset( $params['raw_response'] ) ) { $raw_response = (bool) $params['raw_response']; unset( $params['raw_response'] ); } $method = 'GET'; if ( isset( $params['method'] ) ) { $method = strtoupper( $params['method'] ); unset( $params['method'] ); } $sign_parameters = true; if ( isset( $params['sign_parameters'] ) ) { $sign_parameters = (bool) $params['sign_parameters']; unset( $params['sign_parameters'] ); } // Should be an OAuthToken object $token = $this->token->token ? $this->token->token : null; Keyring_Util::debug( $token ); $sign_vars = false; if ( isset( $params['body'] ) && $sign_parameters ) { if ( is_string( $params['body'] ) ) { wp_parse_str( $params['body'], $sign_vars ); } else if ( is_array( $params['body'] ) ) { $sign_vars = $params['body']; } } $req = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token( $this->consumer, $token, $method, $url, $sign_vars ); $req->sign_request( $this->signature_method, $this->consumer, $token ); $request_url = (string) $req; if ( $this->token && $this->authorization_header ) { $header = $req->to_header( $this->authorization_realm ); // Gives a complete header string, not just the second half $bits = explode( ': ', $header, 2 ); $params['headers']['Authorization'] = $bits[1]; // This hack was introduced for Instapaper (, which is overly strict on // header formatting, but it doesn't seem to cause problems anywhere else. $params['headers']['Authorization'] = str_replace( '",', '", ', $params['headers']['Authorization'] ); Keyring_Util::debug( 'OAuth1 Authorization Header' ); Keyring_Util::debug( $params['headers']['Authorization'] ); // oauth_verifier was probably added directly to the URL, need to manually remove it $request_url = remove_query_arg( 'oauth_verifier', $url ); } $query = ''; $parsed = parse_url( $request_url ); if ( !empty( $parsed['query'] ) && 'POST' == $method ) { $request_url = str_replace( '?' . $parsed['query'], '', $request_url ); $query = $parsed['query']; } Keyring_Util::debug( "OAuth1 Request URL: $request_url" ); switch ( $method ) { case 'GET': Keyring_Util::debug( 'OAuth1 GET ' . $request_url ); $res = wp_remote_get( $request_url, $params ); break; case 'POST': $params = array_merge( array( 'body' => $query, 'sslverify' => false ), $params ); Keyring_Util::debug( 'OAuth1 POST ' . $request_url ); Keyring_Util::debug( $params ); $res = wp_remote_post( $request_url, $params ); break; case 'PUT': $params = array_merge( array( 'method' => 'PUT' ), $params ); $res = wp_remote_request( $request_url, $params ); break; default: Keyring::error( __( 'Unsupported method specified.', 'keyring' ) ); exit; } Keyring_Util::debug( $res ); $this->set_request_response_code( wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $res ) ); if ( 200 == wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $res ) || 201 == wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $res ) ) { if ( $raw_response ) return wp_remote_retrieve_body( $res ); else return $this->parse_response( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $res ) ); } else { return new Keyring_Error( 'keyring-request-error', $res ); } } function get_display( Keyring_Access_Token $token ) { return (string) $token->token->key; } /** * OAuth1 always returns access tokens in querystring format, * but we provide an extendable method here just in case, and to * remain consistent with OAuth2. */ function parse_access_token( $token ) { parse_str( $token, $token ); return $token; } /** * This method is provided as a base point for parsing/decoding response * values provided by ->request(). Different services encode their responses * differently, but this provides a standardized place to handle that. You * may use JSON, XML, parse_str or some other, completely unique method here * to provide more workable data structures based on the responses from a * Service's API. The default just returns the string. * * @param string $response * @return Mixed data that is easier to work with, based on each Service */ function parse_response( $response ) { return $response; } }