set_endpoint( 'authorize', '', 'GET' ); $this->set_endpoint( 'access_token', '', 'GET' ); $this->set_endpoint( 'self', '', 'GET' ); $creds = $this->get_credentials(); $this->app_id = $creds['app_id']; $this->key = $creds['key']; $this->secret = $creds['secret']; $kr_nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'keyring-verify' ); $nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'keyring-verify-facebook' ); $this->redirect_uri = Keyring_Util::admin_url( self::NAME, array( 'action' => 'verify', 'kr_nonce' => $kr_nonce, 'nonce' => $nonce, ) ); $this->requires_token( true ); add_filter( 'keyring_facebook_request_token_params', array( $this, 'filter_request_token' ) ); } function basic_ui_intro() { echo '

' . __( "If you haven't already, you'll need to set up an app on Facebook:", 'keyring' ) . '

'; echo '
    '; echo '
  1. ' . __( "Click + Create New App at the top-right of this page", 'keyring' ) . '
  2. '; echo '
  3. ' . __( "Enter a name for your app (maybe the name of your website?) and click Continue (ignore the other settings)", 'keyring' ) . '
  4. '; echo '
  5. ' . __( "Enter whatever is in the CAPTCHA and click Continue", 'keyring' ) . '
  6. '; echo '
  7. ' . sprintf( __( "Put your domain name in the App Domains box. That value is probably %s", 'keyring' ), $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) . '
  8. '; echo '
  9. ' . sprintf( __( "Click the Website with Facebook Login box and enter the URL to your website, which is probably %s", 'keyring' ), get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ) . '
  10. '; echo '
  11. ' . __( "Click Save Changes", 'keyring' ) . '
  12. '; echo '
'; echo '

' . __( "Once you're done configuring your app, copy and paste your App ID and App Secret (in the top section of your app's Basic details) into the appropriate fields below. Leave the App Key field blank.", 'keyring' ) . '

'; } function _get_credentials() { if ( defined( 'KEYRING__FACEBOOK_ID' ) && defined( 'KEYRING__FACEBOOK_SECRET' ) ) { return array( 'app_id' => constant( 'KEYRING__FACEBOOK_ID' ), 'key' => constant( 'KEYRING__FACEBOOK_ID' ), 'secret' => constant( 'KEYRING__FACEBOOK_SECRET' ), ); } else { $all = apply_filters( 'keyring_credentials', get_option( 'keyring_credentials' ) ); if ( !empty( $all['facebook'] ) ) { $creds = $all['facebook']; $creds['key'] = $creds['app_id']; return $creds; } // Return null to allow fall-thru to checking generic constants + DB return null; } } function is_configured() { $credentials = $this->get_credentials(); return !empty( $credentials['app_id'] ) && !empty( $credentials['secret'] ); } /** * Add scope to the outbound URL, and allow developers to modify it * @param array $params Core request parameters * @return Array containing originals, plus the scope parameter */ function filter_request_token( $params ) { if ( $scope = implode( ',', apply_filters( 'keyring_facebook_scope', array() ) ) ) $params['scope'] = $scope; return $params; } /** * Facebook decided to make things interesting and mix OAuth1 and 2. They return * their access tokens using query string encoding, so we handle that here. */ function parse_access_token( $token ) { parse_str( $token, $token ); return $token; } function build_token_meta( $token ) { $this->set_token( new Keyring_Access_Token( $this->get_name(), $token['access_token'], array() ) ); $response = $this->request( $this->self_url, array( 'method' => $this->self_method ) ); if ( Keyring_Util::is_error( $response ) ) { $meta = array(); } else { $meta = array( 'username' => $response->username, 'user_id' => $response->id, 'name' => $response->name, 'picture' => "{$response->id}/picture?type=large", ); } return apply_filters( 'keyring_access_token_meta', $meta, 'facebook', $token, $response, $this ); } function get_display( Keyring_Access_Token $token ) { return $token->get_meta( 'name' ); } function test_connection() { $res = $this->request( $this->self_url, array( 'method' => $this->self_method ) ); if ( !Keyring_Util::is_error( $res ) ) return true; return $res; } } add_action( 'keyring_load_services', array( 'Keyring_Service_Facebook', 'init' ) );