*/ // Define this in your wp-config (and set to true) to enable debugging defined( 'KEYRING__DEBUG_MODE' ) or define( 'KEYRING__DEBUG_MODE', false ); // The name of a class which extends Keyring_Store to handle storage/manipulation of tokens. // Optionally define this in your wp-config.php or some other global config file. defined( 'KEYRING__TOKEN_STORE' ) or define( 'KEYRING__TOKEN_STORE', 'Keyring_SingleStore' ); // Keyring can be run in "headless" mode, which just avoids creating any UI, and leaves // that up to you. Defaults to off (provides its own basic UI). defined( 'KEYRING__HEADLESS_MODE' ) or define( 'KEYRING__HEADLESS_MODE', false ); // Debug/messaging levels. Don't mess with these define( 'KEYRING__DEBUG_NOTICE', 1 ); define( 'KEYRING__DEBUG_WARN', 2 ); define( 'KEYRING__DEBUG_ERROR', 3 ); // Indicates Keyring is installed/active so that other plugins can detect it define( 'KEYRING__VERSION', '1.6.1' ); /** * Core Keyring class that handles UI and the general flow of requesting access tokens etc * to manage access to remote services. * * @package Keyring */ class Keyring { protected $registered_services = array(); protected $store = false; protected $errors = array(); protected $messages = array(); protected $token_store = ''; var $admin_page = 'keyring'; function __construct() { if ( ! KEYRING__HEADLESS_MODE ) { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/admin-ui.php'; Keyring_Admin_UI::init(); add_filter( 'keyring_admin_url', function( $url, $params ) { $url = admin_url( 'tools.php?page=' . Keyring::init()->admin_page ); return add_query_arg( $params, $url ); }, 10, 2 ); } // This is used internally to create URLs, and also to know when to // attach handers. @see admin_url() and request_handlers() $this->admin_page = apply_filters( 'keyring_admin_page', 'keyring' ); } static function &init( $force_load = false ) { static $instance = false; if ( !$instance ) { if ( ! KEYRING__HEADLESS_MODE ) load_plugin_textdomain( 'keyring', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' ); $instance = new Keyring; // Keyring is being loaded 'late', so we need to do some extra set-up if ( did_action( 'init' ) || $force_load ) { $instance->plugins_loaded(); do_action( 'keyring_load_services' ); } } else { if ( $force_load ) { $instance->plugins_loaded(); do_action( 'keyring_load_services' ); } } return $instance; } static function plugins_loaded() { // Load stores early so we can confirm they're loaded correctly require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/store.php'; do_action( 'keyring_load_token_stores' ); $keyring = Keyring::init(); $keyring->token_store = apply_filters( 'keyring_token_store', defined( 'KEYRING__TOKEN_STORE' ) ? KEYRING__TOKEN_STORE : false ); if ( !class_exists( $keyring->token_store ) || !in_array( 'Keyring_Store', class_parents( $keyring->token_store ) ) ) wp_die( sprintf( __( 'Invalid KEYRING__TOKEN_STORE specified. Please make sure KEYRING__TOKEN_STORE is set to a valid classname for handling token storage in %s (or wp-config.php)', 'keyring' ), __FILE__ ) ); // Load base token and service definitions + core services require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/token.php'; require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/service.php'; // Triggers a load of all core + extended service definitions // Initiate Keyring add_action( 'init', array( 'Keyring', 'init' ), 1 ); // Load external Services (plugins etc should hook to this to define new ones/extensions) add_action( 'init', function() { do_action( 'keyring_load_services' ); }, 2 ); /** * And trigger request handlers, which plugins and extended Services use to handle UI, * redirects, errors etc. * @see ::request_handlers() */ add_action( 'admin_init', array( 'Keyring', 'request_handlers' ), 100 ); } /** * Core request handler which is the crux of everything. An action is called * here for almost everything Keyring does, so you can use it to intercept * almost everything. Based entirely on $_REQUEST[page|action|service] */ static function request_handlers() { global $current_user; if ( defined( 'KEYRING__FORCE_USER' ) && KEYRING__FORCE_USER && in_array( $_REQUEST['action'], array( 'request', 'verify' ) ) ) { global $current_user; $real_user = $current_user->ID; wp_set_current_user( KEYRING__FORCE_USER ); } if ( !empty( $_REQUEST['action'] ) && in_array( $_REQUEST['action'], apply_filters( 'keyring_core_actions', array( 'request', 'verify', 'created', 'delete', 'manage' ) ) ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['service'] ) && in_array( $_REQUEST['service'], array_keys( Keyring::get_registered_services() ) ) ) { // We have an action here to allow us to do things pre-authorization, just in case do_action( "pre_keyring_{$_REQUEST['service']}_{$_REQUEST['action']}", $_REQUEST ); // Core nonce check required for everything. "keyring-ACTION" is the kr_nonce format if ( !isset( $_REQUEST['kr_nonce'] ) || !wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['kr_nonce'], 'keyring-' . $_REQUEST['action'] ) ) { Keyring::error( __( 'Invalid/missing Keyring core nonce. All core actions require a valid nonce.', 'keyring' ) ); exit; } Keyring_Util::debug( "keyring_{$_REQUEST['service']}_{$_REQUEST['action']}" ); Keyring_Util::debug( $_GET ); do_action( "keyring_{$_REQUEST['service']}_{$_REQUEST['action']}", $_REQUEST ); if ( 'delete' == $_REQUEST['action'] ) do_action( "keyring_connection_deleted", $_REQUEST['service'], $_REQUEST ); } if ( defined( 'KEYRING__FORCE_USER' ) && KEYRING__FORCE_USER && in_array( $_REQUEST['action'], array( 'request', 'verify' ) ) ) wp_set_current_user( $real_user ); } static function register_service( Keyring_Service $service ) { if ( Keyring_Util::is_service( $service ) ) { Keyring::init()->registered_services[ $service->get_name() ] = $service; return true; } return false; } static function get_registered_services() { return Keyring::init()->registered_services; } static function get_service_by_name( $name ) { $keyring = Keyring::init(); if ( !isset( $keyring->registered_services[ $name ] ) ) return null; return $keyring->registered_services[ $name ]; } static function get_token_store() { $keyring = Keyring::init(); if ( !$keyring->store ) $keyring->store = call_user_func( array( $keyring->token_store, 'init' ) ); return $keyring->store; } static function message( $str ) { $keyring = Keyring::init(); $keyring->messages[] = $str; } /** * Generic error handler/trigger. * @param String $str Informational message (user-readable) * @param array $info Additional information relating to the error. */ static function error( $str, $info = array() ) { $keyring = Keyring::init(); $keyring->errors[] = $str; do_action( 'keyring_error', $str, $info, isset( $this ) ? $this : null ); wp_die( $str, __( 'Keyring Error', 'keyring' ) ); exit; } function has_errors() { return count( $this->errors ); } function has_messages() { return count( $this->messages ); } function get_messages() { return $this->messages; } function get_errors() { return $this->errors; } } class Keyring_Util { static function debug( $str, $level = KEYRING__DEBUG_NOTICE ) { if ( !KEYRING__DEBUG_MODE ) return; if ( is_object( $str ) || is_array( $str ) ) $str = print_r( $str, true ); switch ( $level ) { case KEYRING__DEBUG_WARN : echo "
Keyring Warning: $str
"; break; case KEYRING__DEBUG_ERROR : wp_die( '

Keyring Error:

' . '

' . $str . '

' ); exit; } error_log( "Keyring: $str" ); } static function is_service( $service ) { if ( is_object( $service ) && is_subclass_of( $service, 'Keyring_Service' ) ) return true; return false; } static function has_custom_ui( $service, $action ) { return has_action( "keyring_{$service}_{$action}_ui" ); } /** * Get a URL to the Keyring admin UI, works kinda like WP's admin_url() * * @param string $service Shortname of a specific service. * @return URL to Keyring admin UI (main listing, or specific service verify process) */ static function admin_url( $service = false, $params = array() ) { $url = admin_url(); if ( $service ) $params['service'] = $service; if ( count( $params ) ) $url = add_query_arg( $params, $url ); return apply_filters( 'keyring_admin_url', $url, $params ); } static function connect_to( $service, $for ) { Keyring_Util::debug( 'Connect to: ' . $service ); // Redirect into Keyring's auth handler if a valid service is provided $kr_nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'keyring-request' ); $request_nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'keyring-request-' . $service ); wp_safe_redirect( Keyring_Util::admin_url( $service, array( 'action' => 'request', 'kr_nonce' => $kr_nonce, 'nonce' => $request_nonce, 'for' => $for ) ) ); exit; } static function token_select_box( $tokens, $name, $create = false ) { ?>