customizer.js 489 B

  1. /**
  2. * Theme Customizer enhancements for a better user experience.
  3. *
  4. * Contains handlers to make Theme Customizer preview reload changes asynchronously.
  5. */
  6. ( function( $ ) {
  7. // Site title and description.
  8. wp.customize( 'blogname', function( value ) {
  9. value.bind( function( to ) {
  10. $( '.site-title a' ).text( to );
  11. } );
  12. } );
  13. wp.customize( 'blogdescription', function( value ) {
  14. value.bind( function( to ) {
  15. $( '.site-description' ).text( to );
  16. } );
  17. } );
  18. } )( jQuery );