Do You Know Your Grow?
The KnowYourGrow platform will open up an entirely new view into the health of your plants. You are likely already measuring pH and EC in your water, but what about Dissolved Oxygen? Do you know how water temperature affects those readings? How about water content in your rootzone? These and other questions are answered by KnowYourGrow. Both real-time and historical readings are available via a local web interface on any device. It is all about the data. Your plants are trying to tell you is time to start listening!
The Mantis™ will open up an entirely new view into the health of your plants. Measure and record Real-time PH, EC, ORP, Dissolved Oxygen and temperature readings All readings are available via a local web interface on any device.
This is not your average meter.
The HYDRA reads pH, EC, ORP, DO, Temp and optionally FLOW. The combination of these readings gives the grower a deeper insight into their plants water source. Both real- time and historical readings are available through the local network web interface. Email and text notifications inform the grower when something is not quite right. The HYDRA also has the same DO control abilities as the DO COMMANDER unit. In addition, it can interface with our DOSE units to control pH and EC in your reservoir or tank. Two of the DOSE units can be used with each HYDRA for a total of 8 unique stock solutions.
DO Commander
The DO COMMANDER reads dissolved oxygen and temperature in your irrigation line or tank. The touch screen allows for easy calibration and reading of values. In addition, the DO COMMANDER is able to maintain your tank DO levels to within ± .1 mg/L when used with the TrueLeaf O2TOOB. Just like the HYDRA, both real-time and historical readings are available through the local network web interface.
The ROOTS module is a battery powered and solar charged water content, EC and temperature transmitter designed to give the grower information they need to accurately irrigate their plants. Each unit will support up to 3 of the WC/EC/Temp probes. The probes are stainless steel and will read in soil or soilless environments. The ROOTS transmit rootzone data to the CORE (required) for collection and visualization. Typical application is at least one per irrigation zone or strain.