MegaTube is the Original BioTherm® Microclimate’s “Big Brother.”

Using the same extrusion and manifolding technology, we created a jumbo size to provide a product that will work for a wide range of heating applications. Because of its high tolerance to temperature and chemicals and its excellent heat transfer characteristics, MegaTube will provide years of optimum temperatures as part of a Greenhouse Heating System.


BioTherm MegaTube
Wall Thickness: .090"
Inside Diameter: .375"
Outside Diameter: .555"
Tolerance: .008"
Material: EPDM, Dense
Color: Black
Tensile Stregth: 2000 lbs.
Durometer: 70 +-5
Elongation: 300
Max Pressure: 50 PSI
Max Temperature: 250°F
Heat Rating: .4 btu/hr/ft°ΔF
Uv Resistant: Yes
Shipping Weight 45 lbs. per 500' Reel

In Use


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