The Institute for Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Education

A nonprofit corporation providing the evidence educators need to make informed decisions.

Effective Instruction:

A Handbook of Evidence-Based Strategies

By Myles Friedman, Diane H. Harwell, and Katherine C. Schnepel

An 840-page hardcover. ISBN 0-9666588-4-2

$145.00 (includes sh/h)

( by Mail or Phone )

Effective Instruction is unlike the usual "tips for teachers" books that quote experts and studies selected to support the author’s bias. It is a 840-page resource book that describes in plain English 21 instructional strategies proven to significantly improve student achievement. From 66 to over 550 research studies are cited to document the effectiveness of each strategy. Research results are clearly presented and referenced in detail so that anyone can verify the conclusions. The strategies are classroom tested. They can be readily incorporated in classroom instruction as well as in pre-service and in-service teacher education programs. In addition, commonly used strategies proven not to work are exposed in the book.

Distilled from thousands of research studies amassed over the last decade Effective Instruction meets the demands of the No Child Left Behind Act for instruction to be based on solid evidence instead of personal opinion, political agendas, or compelling sales pitches.

The Easy-to-Use Format
The evaluation of each strategy follows the same consistent format. The purpose is to make each description simple to read, understand, and implement. Title of Strategy
Introduction – A non-researcher’s orientation to the strategy.
  • Student Beneficiaries – Types of students who have benefited from the strategy and their ages or grade levels.
  • Learning Achieved – The learning or academic achievement enhanced by the strategy in the content areas covered.
  • Instructional Tactics – A summary of the tactics used to apply the strategies integrated from different research studies.
  • Cautions and Comments – A discussion of the constraints in applying the strategy, and comments to further clarify the presentation.
  • Generalizations – Highlights the essence of the strategy.
  • Supportive Research – A description of research studies that provide evidence supporting the validity of the strategy.
  • Reference List – To help you obtain additional detail and corroboration.
  • Table of Contents

    UserĂ­s Guide
    Purpose of the Handbook
    The Importance of the Handbook
    Who Benefits From the Handbook
    Features and Focus of the Handbook
    The Presentation Format
    Promising Instructional Strategies
    Questionable Instructional Strategies
    Instructional Aids
    Statistical Findings
    Reference Presentations
    Suggestions for Using the Handbook
    Flexibility in Prescribing Instruction
    Delimitations of the Handbook
    Guidelines for Making Instructional Decisions

    Part I. Effective Instructional Strategies

    1. Taking Student Readiness Into Account
    2. Defining Instructional Expectations
    3. Providing Instructional Evaluation
    4. Providing Corrective Instruction
    5. Keeping Students on Task
    6. Maximizing Teaching Time
    7. Providing Ample Learning Time
    8. Providing Transfer of Learning Instruction
    9. Providing Decision-Making Instruction
    10. Providing Prediction and Problem-Solving Instruction
    11. Providing Contiguity
    12. Utilizing Repetition Effectively
    13. Utilizing Unifiers
    14. Providing One-to-One Tutoring
    15. Utilizing Reminders
    16. Utilizing Teamwork
    17. Reducing Student/Teacher Ratio Below 21 to 1
    18. Clarifying Communication
    19. Utilizing Question and Answer Instruction
    20. Utilizing Computerized Instruction
    21. Utilizing Demonstrations

    Part II. Instructional Alerts

    22. Promising Instructional Strategies
    Enlisting the Control Motive
    23. Questionable Instructional Strategies
    Matching Student-Teacher Field Dependent/Field Independent Cognitive Styles
    Ability Grouping Students
    Providing Reinforcements
    Providing Whole Language Instruction
    Portfolio Testing

    Part III. Instructional Aids

    24. Controlling Classroom Disruptions
    25. Developing Teaching Proficiency
    26. Preschool Instruction
    27. Developing Preventive Tutoring Programs
    28. Remedial tutoring Programs
    29. Instructional Testing and Evaluation
    30. Standards for Evaluating Curricula
    31. Signs of Common Disabilities

    Part IV. Statistical Findings by Chapter for Each Instructional Strategy

    Part V. Detailed References by Chapter

    Index of Researchers
    Subject Index
    About the Authors

    "I believe the book should be very beneficial to administrators and staff development personnel. It pulls together in one place all of the instructional strategies that are supported by research evidenced". Robert Stevens, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, Penn State University.

    "An exceptionally valuable resource. You and your colleagues are to be commended for the thoroughness with which you approached this work." Lawrence Lezotte, Ph.D., Head, Effective Schools, Ltd., Former chair. Department of Educational Administration, Michigan State University.

    "The work is extraordinarily comprehensive in its treatment of the subject and will contribute significantly to the available body of research on effective instructional practices." Patricia Burns, Ph.D., Superintendent, Lancaster County School District, Lancaster, SC

    "Certainly the importance of having one source for school administrators and teachers to review the instructional practices that are repeatedly supported in the literature is immeasurable. Congratulations on an impressive work." Jacqueline Jacobs, Ph.D., Professor, Educational Leadership and Foundations, Western Carolina University

    "I sincerely congratulate the authors on such an outstanding product. The text was concise and easy to interpret. The book will be a valuable resource and reference." Lee Johnson, Vice President, Siena Heights University

    "You have written an outstanding book, which is most practical. Educators who are striving to reach the challenges of No Child Left Behind will discover many of the answers to their questions within Effective Instruction." Arthur W Stellar, Ph.D., Superintendent of Taunton Public Schools, Taunton, Massachusetts, former CEO High/Scope Educational Research Foundation and President of ASCD

    Aileen C. Lau-Dickinson has earned a doctorate in Special Education Administration, a Master's in Speech Science, Bachelor's in Speech Education. She is certified in speech correction, mental retardation, visually handicapped, speech and drama, and as a school psychologist. She has taught numerous courses in assessment. She is currently in private practice assessing and teaching students with learning difficulties. She received the Frank R. Kleffner Clinical Career Award by the South Carolina Speech - Language - Hearing Association. Dr. Dickinson has a number of publications and presentations on developmental assessment and instruction.

    Myles I. Friedman is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Education at the University of South Carolina and former CEO of the Institute for Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Education. A renowned educator and author, his books include Rational Behavior, Teaching Reading and Thinking Skills, Improving Teacher Education, Teaching Higher Order Thinking Skills to Gifted Students, Taking Control: Vitalizing Education, Ensuring Student Success, Improving the Quality of Life, and with Steven P. Fisher, Handbook On Effective Instructional Strategies. He spent more than 30 years conducting and applying research to improve education. Dr. Friedman's Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Educational Psychology were earned at the University of Chicago.

    Charles W. Hatch, current President of EDIE is also President of CWH Consulting Company, Newberry, SC. He earned the Master of Arts in Teaching at Johns Hopkins University and his Ph.D. in Educational Research and Measurement at the University of South Carolina. He has taught college courses in tests and measurement, statistics, and test preparation. Dr. Hatch has published an Introductory Handbook for Statistical Package Programming and on predicting freshman retention. He has served as a consultant on test preparation, college retention, and microcomputers and software.

    Jacqueline E Jacobs is Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policies, University of South Carolina. She has earned a Bachelor's degree in Special Education and Elementary Education, a Master's in Curriculum and Supervision, and a Doctorate in Special Education Administration. She served as a teacher and won an Outstanding Principal Award. She teaches courses in evaluation and measurement in special education. Her publications include articles on the role of the principal, reading recovery, and kids killing kids in school.

    Amanda Nickerson is an Assistant Professor of School Psychology in the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology at the University of Albany, SUNY. She has taught classes on emotion, motivation, personality development and psychopathology, and has worked in the Devereaux Day School, Downington, PA. She also received a doctoral Leadership Fellowship from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. Dr. Nickerson has published on the subject of essential skills for direct care professionals, parent and peer relationships, crisis intervention, violence prevention, and has received a research grant to study intimacy and pro-social behavior in early adolescents.

    Katherine C. Schnepel is a self-employed research and measurement consultant. She has earned Master's and Doctorate degrees in Educational Research and Measurement and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology. She has served as an adjunct professor in the Departments of Educational Psychology and Educational Leadership and Policy, University of South Carolina. She has made presentations on testing and measurement and mastery learning and has been employed as a research and measurement specialist at Richland School District One, Columbia, SC. Subjects she has taught include test item writing, interpreting test scores, measuring student achievement, and program evaluation.