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					<p class="footer"><br />109 West Court Avenue Greenwood, South Carolina 29646<br />Phone: (864) 229-7241<br />Fax: (864) 229-2739<br /><span id="obf"><script>document.getElementById("obf").innerHTML="<n uers=\"znvygb:ynjsvez@avpubyfbazrerqvgu.pbz?fhowrpg=sebz avpubyfbazrerqvgu.pbz\" gnetrg=\"_oynax\">ynjsvez@avpubyfbazrerqvgu.pbz</n>".replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g,function(c){return String.fromCharCode((c<="Z"?90:122)>=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});</script><noscript><span style="unicode-bidi:bidi-override;direction:rtl;">moc.htideremnoslohcin@mrifwal</span></noscript></span></p>
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					<h5>Free Initial Consultation<br />Local Convenience/Full Service<br />A Family Legacy Since 1904</h5>
					<h5 class="d-lg-none">Contact Us<br /><i class="fas fa-phone-square"></i> Phone:<a href="tel:864-229-7241">(864) 229-7241</a><br /><i class="fas fa-at"></i> Email:<span id="obf2"><script>document.getElementById("obf2").innerHTML="<n uers=\"znvygb:ynjsvez@avpubyfbazrerqvgu.pbz?fhowrpg=sebz avpubyfbazrerqvgu.pbz\" gnetrg=\"_oynax\">ynjsvez@avpubyfbazrerqvgu.pbz</n>".replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g,function(c){return String.fromCharCode((c<="Z"?90:122)>=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});</script><noscript><span style="unicode-bidi:bidi-override;direction:rtl;">moc.htideremnoslohcin@mrifwal</span></noscript></span></h5>
					<p>The law firm of Nicholson, Meredith and Anderson, LLC is located in Greenwood, South Carolina and serves clients throughout the region and state. We practice law in a manner that is based upon a common sense approach to legal issues. We believe in exhibiting the highest level of integrity and always   keeping the best interest of the client as our paramount concern. Our dedication to quality, understanding of the law, trust and respect are the foundation of   our long-standing relationships with clients in the community.</p>
					<p>We believe that our presence in the community gives our clients a competitive edge when selecting jurys, presenting compelling evidence and deciding cases. Our firm's relationship with our community gives us a thorough understanding of the cultural factors that influence jurors' points of view. This invaluable insight helps our clients throughout the region achieve successful outcomes.</p>
					<p>Nicholson, Meredith and Anderson, LLC has a rich history of service within the legal and civic community. Individual attorneys are members of local, state, and national   bar associations, and our attorneys are involved with community organizations   and charitable work throughout Greenwood. Because of our firm's team-oriented   practice, clients are able to establish and build a relationship with their   attorney while benefiting from the experience and expertise of each individual   attorney and the assistance of an experienced legal staff.</p>
					<p>At Nicholson, Meredith and Anderson, LLC, we answer your questions and provide a high level of legal service, representation, and advice in a broad range of practice areas. Our attorneys have focused experience in their practice areas and have been involved in cases   that have influenced and shaped the law. Regardless of the type of case, every   one of our clients receives personal care and attention, along with vigorous and experienced advocacy.</p>
					<p>Our firm's dedication to legal excellence, personal service, and intelligent, aggressive advocacy has led to Nicholson, Meredith and Anderson, LLC having an unparalleled reputation in the legal community. We stress personal attention, responsiveness,   and accessibility. Our straightforward, plain-speaking approach will help you make decisions that resolve your particular legal need in a manner that is effective, expeditious, and affordable.</p>
					<p class="d-none">We serve Greenwood, Abbeville, Edgefield, Laurens, McCormick, Newberry, and Saluda Counties.</p>

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