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  6. <title>Gwd50 Google&#153; Apps 201</title>
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  27. <h4 style="color:#777">Apps - Intermediate</h4>
  28. <img src="img/gwd50.jpg" width="250" class="noborder"/>
  29. <br />
  30. <p><small><a href="">David A. Windham</a> / <a href="">@windhamdavid</a></small></p>
  31. <p class="footnotes">Data Manager | | 864-941-5485</p>
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  33. <p class="footnotes">keys ( arrows | n:next | p:previous | esc:all )</p>
  34. <p class="footnotes">Google and the Google logos are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.</p>
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  39. <div class="bg-block">
  40. <h4>What are Google <small>Apps &#153;</small> ?</h4>
  41. <p>They are a suite of <a href="" target="_blank">web applications</a> made available<br />
  42. as <a href="" target="_blank">cloud</a> hosted <a href="" target="_blank">software as a service</a> that can be administered for a group of users at a particular <a href="" target="_blank">domain name</a>.<br /><br /></p>
  43. </div>
  44. <aside class="notes">
  45. notes
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  64. <div class="bg-block">
  65. <img src="img/search.png" width="120" class="noborder"/>
  66. <p><a target="_blank" href="">Documentation</a></p>
  67. <p><a target="_blank" href="">Google Support</a></p>
  68. <p><a target="_blank" href="">Search Tips from Google</a></p>
  69. <p><a target="_blank" href="">Advanced Search</a></p>
  70. <br />
  71. </div>
  72. </section>
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  74. <iframe width="1280" height="620" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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  77. <section>
  78. <section data-transition="none" data-background="#ffffff">
  79. <h3>Why are These Technologies<br />Important to Education?</h3>
  80. </section>
  81. <section data-transition="fade" data-background="#ffffff">
  82. <h3>Technology - Education</h3>
  83. <p class="fragment">Etymology of Technê &amp; Epistêmê</p>
  84. <p class="fragment">Tools, Machines, Techniques, Crafts, Systems,<br /> and Methods of Organization</p>
  85. </section>
  86. <section data-background="img/intro-noun.png" data-background-transition="fade">
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  102. <section data-transition="linear" data-background="#ffffff" data-background-transition="slide">
  103. <h3>Maine Learning Technology Initiative</h3>
  104. <p class="fragment">Governor Angus King created the program in 1999</p>
  105. <p class="fragment"> with 1:1 Laptop purchase from a budget surplus</p>
  106. <p class="fragment">Ruben R. Puentedura, Ph.D. was an advisor</p>
  107. <p class="fragment">developed theories on using technology</p>
  108. <p class="fragment">in the classroom.</p>
  109. </section>
  110. <section data-transition="linear" data-background="img/intro-quintet.jpg" data-background-transition="slide">
  111. <div class="bg-block">
  112. <h2>EdTech Quintet</h2>
  113. <p class="footnote fragment">Social - 200,000</p>
  114. <p class="footnote fragment">Mobility - 80,000</p>
  115. <p class="footnote fragment">Visualizations - 40,000</p>
  116. <p class="footnote fragment">Storytelling - 20,000</p>
  117. <p class="footnote fragment">Gaming - 8,000</p>
  118. </div>
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  121. <h2>SAMR</h2>
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  124. <img src="img/samr1.jpg" class="noborder"/>
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  130. <img src="img/samr3.jpg" class="noborder"/>
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  139. <img src="img/samr6.jpg" class="noborder"/>
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  141. <section data-transition="fade">
  142. <img src="img/intro-pyramid.png" class="noborder"/>
  143. <h4>Bloom's Taxonomy</h4>
  144. </section>
  145. <section data-transition="fade">
  146. <img src="img/intro-apps.jpg" class="noborder"/>
  147. </section>
  148. <section>
  149. <h3>Perspective</h4>
  150. <p class="footnote fragment">15 Years Into the Maine Technology Initiative</p>
  151. <p class="footnote fragment">William Gibson - Cyberspace - Cautionary</p>
  152. <p class="footnote fragment">Note-taking: Laptop vs. Traditional</p>
  153. <p class="footnote fragment">Student E-portfolios &amp; Creative Suite</p>
  154. </section>
  155. <section>
  156. <h3>Why Use These Particular Tools?</h4>
  157. <p class="footnote fragment">Easy to Use</p>
  158. <p class="footnote fragment">Authentication</p>
  159. <p class="footnote fragment">Organization</p>
  160. </section>
  161. </section>
  162. <section>
  163. <section data-transition="linear" data-background="#E61B31" data-background-transition="slide">
  164. <img src="img/drive.png" class="noborder"/>
  165. <h2 class="light">Drive</h2>
  166. </section>
  167. <section data-background="img/drive-all.png">
  168. <br /><br />
  169. <p><small>
  170. <span class="fragment">Docs</span> &nbsp;
  171. <span class="fragment">Slides</span> &nbsp;
  172. <span class="fragment">Sheets</span> &nbsp;
  173. <span class="fragment">Forms</span> &nbsp;
  174. <span class="fragment">Drawings</span> &nbsp;
  175. <span class="fragment">Scripts</span> &nbsp;
  176. <span class="fragment">Tables</span> &nbsp;
  177. <span class="fragment">Folders</span> &nbsp;
  178. </small></p>
  179. </section>
  180. <section>
  181. <img src="img/drive-share.gif" class="noborder animated-gif"/>
  182. <p><small>Sharing</small></p>
  183. </section>
  184. <section>
  185. <h3>Permissions</h3>
  186. <p class="fragment">In Every GAFE Product</p>
  187. <p class="fragment">View, Edit, &amp; Comment</p>
  188. <p class="fragment">Files Inherit Folder Permissions</p>
  189. </section>
  190. <section>
  191. <img src="img/drive-create.png" class="noborder"/>
  192. <p><small>Creating &amp; Uploading</small></p>
  193. </section>
  194. <section>
  195. <img src="img/drive-convert.png" class="noborder"/>
  196. <p><small>Converting</small></p>
  197. </section>
  198. <section>
  199. <img src="img/drive-export.png" class="noborder"/>
  200. <p><small>Exporting</small></p>
  201. </section>
  202. <section>
  203. <img src="img/drive-dsync.png" width="500" class="noborder"/>
  204. <p><small>Desktop &amp; Mobile</small></p>
  205. </section>
  206. <section>
  207. <img src="img/drive-sync.png" class="noborder"/>
  208. <p><small>Drag and Drop File Sync</small></p>
  209. </section>
  210. <section>
  211. <img src="img/drive-dsync.jpg" class="noborder"/>
  212. <p><small>Apple iOS &amp; Google Android</small></p>
  213. </section>
  214. <section data-background="img/drive-all.png">
  215. <br /><br />
  216. <p><small>
  217. <span>Docs</span> &nbsp;
  218. <span>Slides</span> &nbsp;
  219. <span>Sheets</span> &nbsp;
  220. <span>Forms</span> &nbsp;
  221. <span>Drawings</span> &nbsp;
  222. <span>Scripts</span> &nbsp;
  223. <span>Tables</span> &nbsp;
  224. <span>Folders</span> &nbsp;
  225. </small></p>
  226. </section>
  227. <section>
  228. <img src="img/drive-script.png" class="noborder"/>
  229. <h3>Scripts</h3>
  230. <p class="fragment">Can It Do This?</p>
  231. <p class="fragment">Automate Tasks</p>
  232. </section>
  233. <section>
  234. <img src="img/drive-docto.jpg" class="noborder"/>
  235. </section>
  236. <section>
  237. <h3>Add-Ons</h3>
  238. <span class="fragment">gClassFolders </span>
  239. <span class="fragment">EasyBib </span>
  240. <span class="fragment">Track Changes </span>
  241. <span class="fragment">Thesaurus </span>
  242. <span class="fragment">Template Gallery </span>
  243. <span class="fragment">Diagrams </span>
  244. <span class="fragment">Document Merge </span>
  245. <span class="fragment">g(Math) </span>
  246. <span class="fragment">Mail Merge </span>
  247. <span class="fragment">etc </span>
  248. <span class="fragment">etc </span>
  249. <span class="fragment">etc </span>
  250. <span class="fragment">... </span>
  251. </section>
  252. <section>
  253. <img src="img/drive-add-perm.jpg" class="noborder"/>
  254. </section>
  255. <section data-transition="zoom">
  256. <h3>Case Use:</h3>
  257. <p class="fragment">Grocery List</p>
  258. <p class="fragment">Essays, Reports, Surveys, Quizzes, Presentations, Charts,<br />Databases, Infographics, Mind Maps, etc...</p>
  259. <p class="fragment">Paperless Classroom</p>
  260. <p class="fragment">Collaborative Report</p>
  261. <p class="fragment">Helping Students with Assignments</p>
  262. <p class="fragment">Scripts &amp; Add-Ons: Automating Tasks</p>
  263. </section>
  264. </section>
  265. <section>
  266. <section data-transition="linear" data-background="#00930E" data-background-transition="slide">
  267. <img src="img/sites.png" class="noborder"/>
  268. <h2 class="light">Sites</h2>
  269. </section>
  270. <section>
  271. <img src="img/sites.gif" class="noborder"/>
  272. </section>
  273. <section>
  274. <h3>Configuration</h3>
  275. <p class="fragment">Granular Permissions</p>
  276. <p class="fragment">Sites are visible to everyone<br />in the district by default.</p>
  277. </section>
  278. <section>
  279. <img src="img/sites2.gif" class="noborder"/>
  280. </section>
  281. <section>
  282. <h3>Site Layout</h3>
  283. <p class="fragment">Pick a Simple Theme</p>
  284. <p class="fragment">Problem with Premade Themes</p>
  285. <p class="fragment">You can customize it later!</p>
  286. </section>
  287. <section>
  288. <h3>Page Types</h3>
  289. <span class="fragment">Web Page </span>
  290. <span class="fragment">Annoucements </span>
  291. <span class="fragment">File Cabinet </span>
  292. <span class="fragment">List Page </span>
  293. <span class="fragment">Start Page </span>
  294. </section>
  295. <section>
  296. <img src="img/sites3.gif" class="noborder"/>
  297. </section>
  298. <section>
  299. <h3>Embedding Content</h3>
  300. <span class="fragment">WYSWYG </span>
  301. <span class="fragment">HTML </span>
  302. <span class="fragment">Drive </span>
  303. <span class="fragment">Gadgets </span>
  304. <span class="fragment">Charts </span>
  305. <span class="fragment">YouTube </span>
  306. <span class="fragment">Google+ </span>
  307. <p class="fragment">* third-party gadget warning</p>
  308. </section>
  309. <section>
  310. <img src="img/sites4.gif" class="noborder"/>
  311. </section>
  312. <section>
  313. <h3>Embedding Content from Drive</h3>
  314. <p class="fragment">Granular Permissions</p>
  315. <p class="fragment">No File Size Limits</p>
  316. <p class="fragment">Update or Remove Documents &amp; Files</p>
  317. <p class="fragment">Interactive Elements with Forms &amp; Sheets</p>
  318. </section>
  319. <section>
  320. <img src="img/sites6.gif" class="noborder"/>
  321. </section>
  322. <section>
  323. <img src="img/sites5.gif" class="noborder"/>
  324. </section>
  325. <section>
  326. <h3>Collaborative Editing</h3>
  327. <p class="fragment">What is a Wiki</p>
  328. <p class="fragment">Page Level Permissions</p>
  329. <p class="fragment">Page Comments</p>
  330. <p class="fragment">Page Attachments</p>
  331. <p class="fragment">Subscribe to Page or Site Changes</p>
  332. </section>
  333. <section>
  334. <img src="img/sites7.gif" class="noborder"/>
  335. </section>
  336. <section>
  337. <h3>Case Use:</h3>
  338. <p class="fragment">Class Site</p>
  339. <p class="fragment">Subject Site</p>
  340. <p class="fragment">Student Reports</p>
  341. <p class="fragment">Cumulative Student E-portfolios</p>
  342. <p class="fragment">Classroom Wiki</p>
  343. </section>
  344. </section>
  345. <section>
  346. <section data-transition="linear" data-background="#0047F1" data-background-transition="slide">
  347. <img src="img/blogger.png" class="noborder"/>
  348. <h2 class="light">Blogger</h2>
  349. </section>
  350. <section>
  351. <h3>What is Blogger</h3>
  352. <p class="fragment">Comes from the term Web log</p>
  353. <p class="fragment">It's now a verb</p>
  354. <p class="fragment">Microblogging = Twitter</p>
  355. <p class="fragment">There are over 500 million blogs in existence</p>
  356. </section>
  357. <section>
  358. <h3>Why a Blogger Account?</h3>
  359. <p class="fragment">Easy to Use</p>
  360. <p class="fragment">Social Capabilities</p>
  361. <p class="fragment">Permissions</p>
  362. </section>
  363. <section>
  364. <img src="img/blog-blog.jpg" class="noborder"/>
  365. </section>
  366. <section>
  367. <img src="img/blog-follow.jpg" class="noborder"/>
  368. </section>
  369. <section>
  370. <img src="img/blog-gadget.jpg" class="noborder"/>
  371. </section>
  372. <section>
  373. <img src="img/blog-stats.jpg" class="noborder"/>
  374. </section>
  375. <section>
  376. <h4>Tim O'Reilly's Blogger's Code of Conduct</h4>
  377. <p class="fragment">1. Take responsibility not just for your own words, but for the comments you allow on your blog.</p>
  378. <p class="fragment">2. Label your tolerance level for abusive comments.</p>
  379. <p class="fragment">3. Consider eliminating anonymous comments.</p>
  380. <p class="fragment">4. Ignore the trolls.</p>
  381. <p class="fragment">5. Take the conversation offline, and talk directly, or find an intermediary who can do so.</p>
  382. <p class="fragment">6. If you know someone who is behaving badly, tell them so.</p>
  383. <p class="fragment">7. Don't say anything online that you wouldn't say in person.</p>
  384. </section>
  385. <section>
  386. <h4>My Code of Conduct</h3>
  387. <p class="fragment">1. Understand Your Audience</p>
  388. <p class="fragment">2. Understand Copyright</p>
  389. <p class="fragment">3. Cite Your Sources</p>
  390. <p class="fragment">4. Curate</p>
  391. <p class="fragment">5. Be Sincere</p>
  392. <p class="fragment">6. Be Original</p>
  393. <p class="fragment">7. Inspire and Entertain</p>
  394. <p class="fragment">8. Don't write anything that you wouldn't say in person!</p>
  395. </section>
  396. <section>
  397. <h3>Case Use:</h3>
  398. <p class="fragment">Personal Blog</p>
  399. <p class="fragment">Student Blogs</p>
  400. <p class="fragment">Group Classroom Blog</p>
  401. <p class="fragment">'Pen Pal' Blog</p>
  402. <p class="fragment">Subject Oriented Blog</p>
  403. </section>
  404. </section>
  405. <section>
  406. <section data-transition="linear" data-background="#F9A600" data-background-transition="slide">
  407. <img src="img/blog-plus.png" class="noborder"/>
  408. <h2 class="light">Google+</h2>
  409. </section>
  410. <section>
  411. <h3>Why Use Google Plus?</h3>
  412. <p class="fragment">Granular Permissions</p>
  413. <p class="fragment">Reduced Liability</p>
  414. </section>
  415. <section>
  416. <img src="img/plus-features.jpg" class="noborder"/><br />
  417. <span class="fragment">Profiles </span>
  418. <span class="fragment">Circles </span>
  419. <span class="fragment">Communities </span>
  420. <span class="fragment">Photos </span>
  421. <span class="fragment">Hangouts </span><br />
  422. <span class="fragment">Pages&#42; </span>
  423. <span class="fragment">Local&#42; (business&#42;)</span>
  424. </section>
  425. <section>
  426. <img src="img/plus-profile.png" class="noborder"/>
  427. <h3>Profiles</h3>
  428. <p class="fragment">Granular Permissions</p>
  429. <p class="fragment">Personal Not Private</p>
  430. </section>
  431. <section>
  432. <img src="img/plus-circles.png" class="noborder"/>
  433. <h3>Circles</h3>
  434. <p class="fragment">Better than 'Friends'</p>
  435. <p class="fragment">Granular Permissions</p>
  436. </section>
  437. <section>
  438. <img src="img/plus-communities.png" class="noborder"/>
  439. <h3>Communities</h3>
  440. <p class="fragment">Create Private Communities</p>
  441. <p class="fragment">Join Public Communities</p>
  442. </section>
  443. <section>
  444. <img src="img/blog-hangout.png" class="noborder"/>
  445. <h2>Hangouts</h2>
  446. <p class="fragment">On Air Events</p>
  447. <p class="fragment">Live Stream</p>
  448. <p class="fragment">Group Chat</p>
  449. </section>
  450. <section>
  451. <h3>Watch Out For:</h3>
  452. <p class="fragment">Permissions</p>
  453. <span class="fragment">Trolls </span>
  454. <span class="fragment">Link Baiting </span>
  455. <span class="fragment">Flaming </span>
  456. <span class="fragment">Bullying </span>
  457. <span class="fragment">Spam </span>
  458. <span class="fragment">Etc... </span>
  459. <p class="fragment">Have a Use Policy in Place </p>
  460. <p class="fragment">Report Spam, Inappropriate Content, &amp; Abuse</p>
  461. </section>
  462. <section>
  463. <h3>Case Use:</h3>
  464. <p class="fragment">Social is Important to Students</p>
  465. <p class="fragment">Student Commenting and Collaboration</p>
  466. <p class="fragment">Student 'Pen Pals'</p>
  467. <p class="fragment">Classroom Communities</p>
  468. <p class="fragment">Hangouts: Guest Lecturers</p>
  469. <p class="fragment">Hangouts on Air: Professionals</p>
  470. </section>
  471. </section>
  472. <section>
  473. <section>
  474. <h2 class="thanks"><span class="t">T</span><span class="h">h</span><span class="a">a</span><span class="n">n</span><span class="k">k</span> <span class="y">Y</span><span class="o">o</span><span class="u">u</span></h2>
  475. <small>
  476. <p>the presentation is online @<br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a></p>
  477. <p>the demo site is @<br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a></p>
  478. <p>the demo blogger is @<br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a></p>
  479. <p>the source code is @<br /> <a target="_blank" href=""></a></p>
  480. <p>and the files are shared on<br /> <a target="_blank" href="">Google Drive</a></p><br />
  481. </small>
  482. <br />
  483. <p class="footnotes">David A. Windham | Data Manager | | 864-941-5485</p>
  484. </section>
  485. <section>
  486. <h4><span class="raised">Bibliography</span></h4>
  487. <small>
  488. <p class="footnotes">"Google Help." Google Help. Google Inc. , n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2014. <a href=""></a>.</p>
  489. <p class="footnotes">"Google Apps Learning Center v4."Google Apps Learning Center v4. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2014. <a href=""></a>.</p>
  490. <p class="footnotes">"Apps for Education." Products Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2014. <a href=""></a>.</p>
  491. <p class="footnotes">Parry, Richard, "Episteme and Techne", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), <a href=""></a>.
  492. <p class="footnotes">Puentedura, Ruben R. Learning, Technology and the SAMR Model: Goals, Processes and Practice. Rep. N.p., 29 June 2014. Web. 30 June 2014. <a href=""></a>.</p>
  493. <p class="footnotes">Puentedura, Ruben R. "New Perspectives on SAMR and the EdTech Quintet." Hippasus. N.p., 19 June 2014. Web. 30 June 2014. <a href=""></a>.</p>
  494. <p class="footnotes">Puentedura, Ruben R. "Educational Computing in an Age of Diaspora: A Conceptual Backpack for Digital Nomads." Hippasus. N.p., 9 May 2014. Web. 30 June 2014. <a href=""></a>.</p>
  495. <p class="footnotes">Puentedura, Ruben R. "The NMC Perspective Series: Ideas That Matter : Rueben Puentedura." YouTube. N.p., 18 June 2012. Web. 30 June 2014. <a href=""></a>.</p>
  496. <p class="footnotes">Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Estrada, V., and Freeman, A. (2014). NMC Horizon Report: 2014 K-12 Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Web. 30 June 2014. <a href=""></a>.</p>
  497. <p class="footnotes">Bocconi, Stefania, Panagiotis G. Kampylis, and Yves Punie. "Innovating Learning: Key Elements for Developing Creative Classrooms in Europe." EU Joint Research Center. European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies., 2012. Web. 30 June 2014. <a href=""></a>.</p>
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  506. by <a xmlns:cc="" href="" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">David A. Windham</a> / <a href="">@windhamdavid</a><br /><br /></p>
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